Biogas Hadir Di Sewon

Tanggal 23 Januari 2007 kemarin, teman-teman KAMASE
melaksanakan KKN-PPM selama 2 bulan. Salah satu tema yang diangkat pada KKN kali ini adalah mengenai pembuatan instalasi biogas. Instalasi biogas ini dibangun di Dusun Kweni, Kecamatan Sewon, Kelurahan Panggungharjo, Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta.

Di dusun Kweni sendiri terdapat kandang kelompok sapi sehingga akan lebih memudahkan ketika akan dibangun sebuah instalasi biogas, karena bahan baku berupa kotoran sapi yang melimpah dibandingkan dengan kandang terpencar. Menurut Yunus (1987) bahwa dalam sehari rata-rata seekor sapi menghasilkan 29 kg. berikut tabel produksi kotoran ternak. Awalnya masyarakat sekitar lebih banyak meletakkan kotoran sapinya di dekat kandang sehingga hal ini dapat menimbulkan pencemaran udara, dan baru sedikit yang dimanfaatkan untuk pembuatan pupuk organik.

Digester yang dibangun menggunakan tandon air dengan kapasitas 2000 liter sedangkan penampung gasnya berkapasitas 250 liter. Instalasi biogas ini merupakan penggabungan antara fixed dome untuk digester dan floating drum untuk penampung gas, sperti terlihat pada gambar dibawah.

Digester yang digunakan ditempatkan sebagian dalam tanah, hal ini dimaksudkan untuk menjaga temperatur tetap stabil sehingga tidak terjadi perubahan temperatur. Perubahan temperatur akan mengakibatkan bakteri yang terdapat dalam digester menjadi tidak optimal atau bahkan mati. Sedangkan penggunaan penampung gas secara floating drum yakni dimaksudkan agar dapat diamati produksi biogas yang dihasilkan, dengan dihitung kenaikan penampung gas yang diakibatkan oleh tekanan gas yang berada dalam penampung gas tersebut.

Instalasi yang dibangun meliputi saluran inlet, digester, saluran outlet dan penampung gas. Untuk mencegah timbulnya kerak pada dasar digester dan lapisan atas slurry, maka dibuat sebuah pengaduk manual. Hal ini dikarenakan lapisan kerak dapat mencegah gas yang akan keluar dari digester (anonim, 1981). Lapisan kerak tersebut dapat mempengaruhi perkembangan mikroorganisme yang erat hubungannya dengan produksi biogas. Pengadukan juga memberikan kondisi temperatur yang homogen dalam digester (Taconi dalam Ginting, 2006). Menurut anonim (1981) pengadukan pada digester dapat meningkatkan produksi gas sebesar 10 – 15% dibandingkan dengan yang tidak diaduk.

Untuk menghilangkan H2O yang ikut dalam aliran gas maka perlu adanya water trap. Perangkap H2O biogas akan dilewatkan melalui pipa T yang terhubung dengan tabung air. Uap air yang ikut bersama biogas diharapkan turun melalui pipa ke tabung penampung air (Yunus, 1987).

Biogas sendiri bukanlah teknologi baru dan tergolong teknologi yang mudah, baik dalam hal pembuatan maupun perawatannya. Tetapi kenyataan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa perawatan menjadi kendala utama dalam keberlanjutan biogas itu sendiri. Untuk menghindari hal tersebut, sebelum membangun instalasi biogas terlebih dahulu kami melakukan sosialisasi mengenai biogas. Dalam pembangunannya pun kami melibatkan peran masyarakat dan menjelaskan teknis penggunaan instalasi biogas ini agar dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Untuk pemanfaatan gas tersebut belum dapat ditentukan, apakah untuk penerangan ataukah memasak di sekitar kandang. Semoga dengan adanya instalasi biogas di Sewon, khususnya di dukuh Kweni dapat membantu masyarakat sekitar dan tidak menambah “museum” biogas lagi di Indonesia. Untuk itu peran masyarakat sangat penting dalam keberlanjutan biogas ini.

Demam Berdarah kembali memakan korban

Korban meninggal dunia akibat demam berdarah terjadi lagi di salah satu rumah sakit swasta yang ada di Balikpapan pada hari kamis pagi. Kali ini korban adalah seorang anak berumur 5 tahun. Padahal sudah dilakukan 2 kali penyemprotan di sekitar lingkungan korban tinggal untuk mencegah terjadinya demam berdarah.

Kunyit si Kaya Manfaat

Rimpang atau kunyit mengandung banyak manfaat zat aktif. Banyak digunakan sebagai bahan obat alami. Kunyit (Curcuma domestica Pal)kaya dengan kandungan kimia seperti minyak atsiri, kurkumin dan lain-lain yang berguna bagi kesehatan tubuh. Kunyit juga mengandung protein, fosfor, kalium, besi dan vitamin C. Dalam farmakologi Cina, disebutkan, tanaman ini mempunyai bau yang aromatis, sejuk, tidak beracun, rasa sedikit pedas.

Web guru targets malaria with social network site

LONDON (Reuters) - The British entrepreneur who sold a soccer Web site at the age of 17 for $40 million has switched his attention to help launch a social networking site on Sunday designed to fight malaria.

Tom Hadfield set up in his bedroom before selling it to U.S. sports network ESPN, but now hopes the power of sites such as Facebook can curb a disease that kills an estimated one million people a year, many of them in Africa.

"I believe in the power of friends telling friends telling friends," self-styled part-time student and full-time entrepreneur Hadfield told Reuters in an interview.

"Our dream is tens of thousands of people will use social networking tools to build a movement that eradicates malaria."

Now 25 and a fourth-year political science student at Harvard university, Hadfield came up with the idea for after a trip to Zambia last summer that gave him a close-up look at the mosquito-born disease.

"Traveling across Africa and seeing the devastation caused by malaria made me realize there was more to life than putting up soccer scores," said Hadfield.

"Everyone I met at an aid project making mosquito nets in Zambia had either lost a child to malaria or knew someone who had."
Hadfield then traveled to Dar es Salaam in Tanzania where he met researchers working on malaria treatments and discovered that their efforts were being held back by a lack of resources.

"It's shocking that thousands of people are dying every day from a preventable disease," said Hadfield, who was honored as Global Leader of Tomorrow by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in 2001.

"When I came back from Africa last summer, a lot of people asked me what they can do to help."

The site encourages people to donate $10 or more to help support seven different research projects in Tanzania, such as developing plants like lemongrass to repel mosquitoes. But Hadfield sees as more than a fundraising tool.

" increases the return on investment of donors by connecting them directly with researchers working on malaria prevention treatment," said Hadfield.

"It's about more than about giving money -- it's about creating connections. By encouraging individual participation and involvement, we will create international communities of common interest. This is the essence of social networking."

The seven projects were recommended by Tanzania's National Institute for Medical Research and once those have been funded, will look to support new schemes across developing countries.

Due to marry in November, Hadfield co-founded the site with health professors Peter A. Singer and Abdallah S. Daar at Canada's McLaughlin-Rotman Centre for Global Health at University Health Network as well as the University of Toronto.

"We feel young African scientists have very good ideas that end up in the dustbin," said Singer. "This is about helping committed young researchers with good ideas to help themselves create a better future."

(Reporting by John Joseph; Editing by Giles Elgood)

Causes a Heart Attack

Most heart attacks occur as a result of coronary artery disease (CAD). CAD is the buildup over time of a material called plaque on the inner walls of the coronary arteries. Eventually, a section of plaque can break open, causing a blood clot to form at the site. A heart attack occurs if the clot becomes large enough to cut off most or all of the blood flow through the artery.

The blocked blood flow prevents oxygen-rich blood from reaching the part of the heart muscle fed by the artery. The lack of oxygen damages the heart muscle. If the blockage isn’t treated quickly, the damaged heart muscle begins to die.

Heart attack also can occur due to problems with the very small, microscopic blood vessels of the heart. This condition is called microvascular disease. It’s believed to be more common in women than in men.

Another less common cause of heart attack is a severe spasm (tightening) of a coronary artery that cuts off blood flow through the artery. These spasms can occur in coronary arteries that don’t have CAD. It’s not always clear what causes a coronary artery spasm, but sometimes it can be related to:

* Taking certain drugs, such as cocaine
* Emotional stress or pain
* Exposure to extreme cold
* Cigarette smoking


Apapun sasaran, target atau impian yang Anda miliki dalam hidup ini akan jauh lebih mudah diraih apabila Anda sering membayangkannya, mengimajinasikannya, hal ini bisa dilakukan dengan teknik visualisasi yang tepat dan konsisten.

Visualisasi akan membantu Anda untuk mengalirkan semua energi, fokus dan tindakan yang berorientasi pada apa yang hendak Anda capai secara signifikan.

Ada 4 unsur yang dapat dipraktekkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas visualisasi Anda terhadap sasaran atau target yang ingin dicapai, unsur tersebut antara lain :

1. Kejelasan

Ini menunjukkan seberapa jelas Anda dapat melihat sasaran yang akan diraih dengan imajinasi Anda. Hal ini sangat penting karena ada kaitan langsung antara seberapa jelas Anda dapat memvisualisasikan sasaran Anda dengan seberapa cepat sasaran itu menjadi kenyataan. Hal ini disebabkan karena pada saat Anda memulai proses visualisasi, sasaran Anda akan sering kabur dan tidak jelas, namun semakin sering Anda melakukan visualisasi sasaran Anda akan semakin jelas, maka gambaran yang jelas itulah yang akan membuat Anda semakin menjadi termotivasi untuk fokus pada tindakan-tindakan yang harus dilakukan dalam mewujudkan sasaran Anda. Kebanyakan orang tidak dapat melihat sasaran mereka dengan jelas sehingga ini seringkali mempengaruhi proses pencapaian.

2. Durasi

Unsur ini diartikan sebagai seberapa lama Anda dapat mempertahankan gambaran mental sasaran Anda di dalam pikiran. Karena semakin lama Anda dapat mempertahankan gambaran mental tersebut maka semakin dalam Anda akan memprogram sasaran ini pada diri Anda sendiri untuk mencapai sasaran yang dituju.

3. Intensitas

Terus tingkatkan jumlah emosi yang dapat Anda gabungkan dengan gambaran mental itu. Semakin intens Anda menginginkan sasaran yang Anda visualisasikan maka semakin kuat keyakinan dan dorongan diri Anda untuk bertindak menuju pada sasaran.

4. Frekuensi

Ini menunjukkan seberapa sering Anda memikirkan dan membayangkan sasaran Anda sebagai suatu realitas sepanjang hari. Saat Anda benar-benar menginginkan sesuatu, Anda akan menemukan diri Anda sedang memikirkannya terus menerus.

Semakin sering Anda membayangkan sasaran Anda seakan-akan sudah terwujud, maka semakin cepat Anda akan menarik sasaran itu kedalam hidup Anda.

Dengan mempraktekkan ke 4 unsur visualisasi ini maka pencapaian sasaran atau target Anda akan menjadi lebih mudah.

“Visualization is the preview of our achievement”

by Haryanto Kandani


A shareholder (or stockholder) is an individual or company (including a corporation) that legally owns one or more shares of stock in a joint stock company. Companies listed at the stock market are expected to strive to enhance shareholder value.

Shareholders are granted special privileges depending on the class of stock, including the right to vote (usually one vote per share owned) on matters such as elections to the board of directors, the right to share in distributions of the company's income, the right to purchase new shares issued by the company, and the right to a company's assets during a liquidation of the company. However, shareholder's rights to a company's assets are subordinate to the rights of the company's creditors.

Shareholders are considered by some to be a partial subset of stakeholders, which may include anyone who has a direct or indirect equity interest in the business entity or someone with even a non-pecuniary interest in a non-profit organization. Thus it might be common to call volunteer contributors to an association stakeholders, even though they are not shareholders.

Although directors and officers of a company are bound by fiduciary duties to act in the best interest of the shareholders, the shareholders themselves normally do not have such duties towards each other.


The 'general price level' comprises the price of wages, consumption goods and services. Changes in the relative prices of goods and services do not indicate inflation or deflation: a shortage of any one good which results in a higher price will be compensated by lower prices in other goods.

As with inflation, there are economists who regard deflation as a purely monetary effect, when the monetary authority and the banks constrict the money supply, and there are those who believe that price deflation follows dramatic falls in business confidence, which may reduce economic output, and result in contraction wherein the quantity and velocity of money, i.e. the speed with which money is circulating. In recent years, economists have also started to use the term inflation and deflation in relation to assets (i.e. as a short-hand for price inflation or price deflation), such as stocks and housing (production goods).

During deflation, while consumers can buy more with the same amount of money, they also have less access to money (e.g., as wages, debt, or the return realized on sales of their products). Consumers and producers who are in debt, such as mortgagors, suffer because as their (money) income drops, their (money) payments remain constant. Central bankers worry about deflation, because many of the tools of monetary policy become ineffective as inflation drops below zero (deflation). Deflation may set off a deflationary spiral, where businesses slow or stop investing, because the investment risk is perceived as higher than just letting the money appreciate due to deflation. (The deflationary spiral is the opposite of the hyper-inflationary spiral.) Similarly, in deflation consumers have an incentive to delay consumption, which may contribute to the deflationary spiral.

Deflation is generally regarded as a negative in modern currency environments, because a deflationary spiral may cause large falls in GDP and take a very long time to correct.

Deflation should not be confused with disinflation which is a slowing in the rate of inflation, that is, where the general level of prices are increasing, but slower than before.

In monetary theory, deflation is defined in terms of a rise in the demand for money, based on the quantity of money available. The Quantity Theory of Money is founded on the Fisher equation (also called the equation of exchange),

MV = PT, [2]

where M is the money supply, V is the velocity of money, P is the average price level and T is the total number of transactions. The velocity of money, however, cannot be measured directly.[3]


Inflation is a rise in the general level of prices over time. It may also refer to a rise in the prices of a specific set of goods or services. In either case, it is measured as the percentage rate of change of a price index.[1]

Mainstream economists believe that high rates of inflation are caused by high rates of growth of the money supply.[2] Views on the factors that determine moderate rates of inflation are more varied: changes in inflation are sometimes attributed to fluctuations in real demand for goods and services or in available supplies (i.e. changes in scarcity), and sometimes to changes in the supply or demand for money. In the mid-twentieth century, two camps disagreed strongly on the main causes of inflation at moderate rates: the "monetarists" argued that money supply dominated all other factors in determining inflation, while "Keynesians" argued that real demand was often more important than changes in the money supply.

There are many measures of inflation. For example, different price indices can be used to measure changes in prices that affect different people. Two widely known indices for which inflation rates are reported in many countries are the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which measures consumer prices, and the GDP deflator, which measures price variations associated with domestic production of goods and services.

Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN)

Perusahaan atau unit usaha yang erat kaitannya dengan pemerintah dan mempunyai fungsi utama sebagai pemasok barang dan jasa bagi pemerintah dan masyarakat. Operasional,

transaksi modal, dan pembiayaannya merupakan bagian integral dari pemerintah. Setiap penjualan kepada masyakarat ditunjukkan sebagai biaya bersih.

Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD)

Mencakup semua badan usaha milik pemerintah daerah, yang pengelolaan dan pembinaannya berada di bawah pemerintah daerah, jenis kegiatannya antara lain meliputi penyediaan air minum, pengelolaan
pasar, penyediaan obyek wisata/taman hiburan dan sebagaianya. Pada umumnya perusahaan ini berbentuk perusahaan daerah (PD) yang diatur berdasarkan peraturan daerah.

Ilmu Ekonomi Normatif

Ilmu ekonomi positif dengan memasukkan unsur nilai-nilai moral dan etika karena adanya anggapan bahwa Ilmu Ekonomi Positif terlalu sempit, kering dan gersang.

Ilmu Ekonomi Positif

Ilmu yang mempelajari tingkah laku manusia dalam memilih dan mengalokasikan sumber-sumber alam secara efisien. Ada tiga sebab utama munculnya ilmu ekonomi. Pertama kebutuhan manusia yang sangat banyak ragamnya. Kedua jumlah barang dan jasa untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia adalah terbatas dan langka, sehingga manusia harus memilih. Ketiga sumber-sumber alam dalam keadaan aslinya tidak bisa langsung dipergunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia sehingga diperlukan proses produksi.


Publishing is the process of production and dissemination of literature or information – the activity of making information available for public view. In some cases, authors may be their own publishers.

Traditionally, the term refers to the distribution of printed works such as books (the "book world") and newspapers. With the advent of digital information systems and the Internet, the scope of publishing has expanded to include electronic resources, such as the electronic versions of books and periodicals, as well as websites, blogs, and the like.

Publishing includes the stages of the development, acquisition, marketing, production – printingelectronic equivalents), and distribution of newspapers, magazines, books, literary works, musical works, software and other works dealing with information, including the electronic media. (and its

Publication is also important as a legal concept: (1) as the process of giving formal notice to the world of a significant intention, for example, to marry or enter bankruptcy; (2) as the essential precondition of being able to claim defamation; that is, the alleged libel must have been published, and (3) for copyright purposes, where there is a difference in the protection of published and unpublished works.

NPD: March game sales skyrocket 57 percent

When a professional athlete produces unbelievable statistics, they are sometimes said to be posting "video game numbers." The industry-tracking NPD Group today released its US retail sales figures for the month of March, and the gaming industry itself can safely be characterized as producing "video game numbers."

Overall, the US game industry's total retail take for hardware, software, and accessories amounted to $1.7 billion combined, up 57 percent from the $1.1 billion it posted for March 2007. "You'd never know that the U.S. economy was under distress by looking at the video games industry sales figures," NPD analyst Anita Frazier said in a statement. "Year-to-date growth is a rock-solid 27 percent through March 2008."

Software sales for the month were up 63 percent year-over-year to $945.6 million. To put that figure in perspective, last March--a month that saw the release of God of War II on the PlayStation 2 and Guitar Hero II on the Xbox 360--only managed $957 million with software and hardware sales combined. While catalog titles like Wii Play, Rock Band, and Call of Duty 4 have driven game sales so far this year, March was dominated by new games.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii easily topped the charts with sales of 2.7 million copies. The next-best-selling game was Ubisoft's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2, which just reached the 752,000 mark. New releases like Electronic Arts' Army of Two, Take-Two Interactive's MLB 2K8, and the PlayStation Portable debuts of God of War: Chains of Olympus and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII also made the top 10.

While Frazier noted the success of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, emphasizing that it sold to nearly one-third of the Wii installed base in its first month at retail, she said credit for the software sales growth should be distributed widely.

"The amazing year-over-year increase in software sales isn't just explained by a few top games," Frazier said. "As compared to last March, twice as many SKU's achieved sales in excess of 100K units this month."

The explosive growth wasn't limited to software, as sales of hardware also soared 46 percent to $551.3 million. Nintendo earned bragging rights once again as the Wii sold 721,000 units, with the DS not far behind at 698,000 systems. The PSP was the next-best-selling piece of kit, moving 297,000 systems into gamers' hands. The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 were neck-and-neck with sales of 262,000 and 257,000 respectively, while the PlayStation 2 brought up the rear with 216,000 systems sold.

Software: $945.6m (+63%)
Hardware: $551.3m (+46%)
Accessories: $220m (+58%)
Total Games: $1.7 billion (+57%)

Nintendo DS--698,000
PlayStation Portable--297,000
Xbox 360--262,000
PlayStation 3--257,000
PlayStation 2--216,000

Title / Publisher / Release Date / Units
1) Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii) / Nintendo / March 2008 / 2.7M
2) Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2* (360) / Ubisoft / March 2008 / 752.3K
3) Army of Two (360) / Electronic Arts / March 2008 / 606.1K
4) Wii Play w/ Remote (Wii) / Nintendo / Feb. 2007 / 409.8K
5) God of War: Chains of Olympus (PSP) / Sony / March 2008 / 340.5K
6) Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP) / Square Enix / March 2008 / 301.6K
7) Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Wii) / Activision / Oct. 2007 / 264.1K
8) MLB 2K8 (360) / Take-Two Interactive / March 2008 / 237.1K
9) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare* (360) / Activision / Nov. 2007 / 237K
10) Army of Two (PS3) / Electronic Arts / March 2008 / 224.9K
*Includes Collector's, Limited, Legendary, Bundles (Guitars) Editions

Imdaad: Tak Boleh Ada Tambang Batu Bara

BALIKPAPAN, TRIBUN -Aksi tanam seribu pohon di kawasan Bendungan Pengendali I, Komplek Perumahan Balikpapan Regency, berlangsung meriah, Sabtu (1/12). Sedikitnya 2.000 relawan bersama Walikota Balikpapan Imdaad Hamid, Panglima Kodam VI Tanjungpura, Mayjen TNI GR Situmeang, Kapolda Kaltim Irjen Pol Indarto dan pejabat muspida lainnya menanam bibit pohon di tempat yang disediakan, yakni di blok C yang terletak tepat di samping Bendungan.

Australia Investasi Tambang di Kalimantan

JAKARTA, BPOST - Memasuki awal tahun 2008 ini, Australia merencanakan menggelar investasi besar-besaran di sektor pertambangan di Indonesia.

Beberapa segmen pertambangan yang diincar tidak hanya di sektor hulu, namun juga di lini hilir. Beberapa kawasan di Indonesia sudah menjadi incaran investasi yang diperkirakan mencapai angka 500 juta Aus atau sekitar Rp 4 triliun.

Honda gelar Acara Honda Fiesta 2008

Hari minggu kemarin honda menggelar acara yang bertajuk Honda Fiesta 2008 di mal Fantasi. Didalam acara ini pihak honda sebagai penyelenggara acara memberikan hadiah yang beraneka ragam dan hadiah spesial yaitu motor honda yang diberikan secara gratis kepada pengujung

Dalam acara ini juga ditampilkan berbagai macam pertunjukan gratis seperti band, cheerleaders, service gratis, dan berbagai sajian yang berkaitan dengan otomotif.
dan acara ini berlangsung mulai pagi hari sampai tengah malam...Gileeeeee
Tujuanku kesana sich bukan buat mengharapkan dapat hadiah melainkan cuci mata + ngeliat motor keluaran honda yang terbaru yaitu Honda CS 1. Wihh body-nya bohai banget...
cuma harganya agak mengencangkan ikat pinggang.
Untuk harga segitu besar saya yakin Honda memberikan yang terbaik yang bisa diberikan kepada masyarakat Indonesia sebagai salah satu konsumennya.

Terminal BP Perlu Dikaji

Judul diatas ini terdapat pada Koran Post Metro Balikpapan tanggal 7 April 2008. Mereka berpendapat bahwa terminal ini perlu di kaji ulang penggunaannya karena telah mengurangi keindahan kota balikpapan. Padahal dari dulu banyak masyarakat Balikpapan telah memberikan komentar melalui sms dan koran-koran tentang kondisi terminal yang sangat mengganggu.

U2 Tandatangani Kesepakatan 12 Tahun Dengan Live Nation

Los Angeles (ANTARA News) - U2 menjadi kelompok atau penghibur terakhir yang menandatangani kontrak jangka panjang dengan Live Nation, setelah supergroup rock Irlandia itu menandatangani persetujuan 12 tahun, demikian menurut pengumuman Senin.

Pernyataan yang dirilis Live Nation menyebutkan promotor konser itu akan menjadi penyelia bagi tur keliling, menchandising dan pengembangan laman internet band tersebut.

Kesepakatan ini menyusul kontrak senilai 120 juta dolar pada tahun lalu antara Madonna dan Live Nation.

Sementara kontrak Madonna meliputi komitmen rekaman tiga album, kesepakatan U2 tidak mencakup hak musik dan dan kelompok band itu akan terus merekam album mereka pada label lama mereka, Universal Music.

"Hubungan kami dengan U2 telah berkembang dan berlangsung selama bertahun-tahun," kata pimpinan tur global Live Nation Arthur Fogel, yang menjadi produser pada setiap tur keliling U2 sejak PopMart pada 1997.

"Kami sudah berhubungan selama lebih dari 20 tahun dan kini saatnya kami mengikat kontrak," kata penyanyi utama U2 yang karismatik, Bono, dalam pernyataannya, sambil menegaskan kesepakatan itu akan semakin mendekatkan para penggemar dengan band melalui laman internet yang tampilannya diperbaharui.

"Kami merasa kami telah mempunyai situs web yang hebat, namun kami ingin membuatnya lebih baik lagi. Kami menghendaki hubungan yang lebih dekat antara band dan penggemar dan Live Nation telah menjanjikan akan membantu kami untuk mencapai hal itu."

Tersukses setelah Rolling Stones

U2 adalah salah satu band paling sukses dalam sejarah dan album-album mereka telah menyabet lebih dari 20 penghargaan Grammy dan terjual lebih dari 140 juta keping di seluruh dunia.

Tur keliling mereka yang bertajuk "Vertigo Tour" pada 2005-2006 berhasil meraup pemasukan senilai 389 juta dolar, suatu rekor yang hanya disaingi "A Bigger Bang Tour" dari Rolling Stones sebagai penghasil pemasukan tertinggi sepanjang masa.

"A Bigger Bang Tour" berhasil mengantongi pemasukan senilai 437 juta dolar dan rekor tersebut dicatat dalam Guinness World Record, demikian laporan DPA dan AFP
(source = AntaraNews)
