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Mainan tradisional yang makin menghilang
Tekhnologi yang berkembang terutama dalam hal mainan anak-anak membuat permainan maupun mainan tradisional kita makin menghilang. Playstation, XBox dan model-model lain membuat anak-anak jaman sekarang tidak menghargai lagi permainan yang berasal dari budaya kita sendiri. Tidak ada yang salah dengan kemajuan tekhnologi, hanya saja tidak ada lagi usaha dari semua pihak untuk memperkenalkan kembali kepada anak-anak bahwa masih ada permainan yang merupakan warisan budaya sendiri.
Kalo kita lihat hampir diseluruh kota yang ada di Indonesia lebih menyukai video games daripada bermain gasing, congklak, gobal sodor dan jenis lainnya. Mereka bisa menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam hanya untuk melakukan permainan modern baik secara online maupun offline. Tidak bisa dipungkiri permainan ataupun mainan jaman sekarang lebih asik dan lebih menantang dalam segi apapun.
Hanya sedikit yang saya lihat masih mencoba mengabadikan beberapa permainan maupun mainan tradisional. Dan itu bukan dilakukan di kota-kota besar melainkan di kampung-kampung. Saya melakukan survei meskipun hanya bersifat bercanda saja, banyak dari teman-teman maupun orang yang saya temui dijalan, sambil mengajak bicara banyak yang merasa rindu dengan mainan jaman dulu. Menurut mereka selain murah permainan jaman dulu tidak membuat candu bagi orang yang memainkannya.
Kalo kita lihat hampir diseluruh kota yang ada di Indonesia lebih menyukai video games daripada bermain gasing, congklak, gobal sodor dan jenis lainnya. Mereka bisa menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam hanya untuk melakukan permainan modern baik secara online maupun offline. Tidak bisa dipungkiri permainan ataupun mainan jaman sekarang lebih asik dan lebih menantang dalam segi apapun.
Hanya sedikit yang saya lihat masih mencoba mengabadikan beberapa permainan maupun mainan tradisional. Dan itu bukan dilakukan di kota-kota besar melainkan di kampung-kampung. Saya melakukan survei meskipun hanya bersifat bercanda saja, banyak dari teman-teman maupun orang yang saya temui dijalan, sambil mengajak bicara banyak yang merasa rindu dengan mainan jaman dulu. Menurut mereka selain murah permainan jaman dulu tidak membuat candu bagi orang yang memainkannya.
Menjadi Entrepeneur Muda dan Sukses
Menjadi seorang Entrepeneur Muda atau pengusaha tidak mudah. Diperlukan trik-trik sehingga memperoleh apa yang kita harapkan. Beberapa entrepeneur muda yang sukses diantaranya bukanlah orang yang selalu mengenyam sekolah melainkan orang yang memiliki pemikiran yang luar biasa dan memahami betul bagaimana cara melakukan penjualan.
Era internet membuat semua proses transaksi penjualan menjadi lebih mudah. Konsumen diberikan kemudahan dalam transaksi tanpa harus keluar rumah. Untuk membeli perlengkapan rumah tangga saja sekarang bisa lewat internet. Dan berdasarkan sumber yang saya baca, keuntungan atau profit terbesar didapat dari transaksi online.
Jika kalian ingin menjadi seorang Entrepeneur Muda dan sukses banyak langkah-langkah yang harus dipelajari. Mungkin saya bisa memberikan beberapa langkah-langkah yang bisa membantu anda menjadi salah satu Entrepeneur Muda yang sukses.
Langkah-langkah yang harus anda lakukan
1. Ide. Sebelumnya kita harus tau produk apa yang akan kita pasarkan. Apakah berbentuk makanan, mainan, sandang, pangan, papan dan lain. Setelah kita menetukan produk yang ingin kita jual, tentukan berapa biaya yang akan dikeluarkan dalam menghasilkan produk tersebut.2. Lakukan tes pasar atas ide anda tadi. Kesalahan terbesar yang sering dilakukan para Entrepeneur biasanya adalah bagaimana membuat konsumen mau membeli barang yang kita jual daripada memikirkan apa yang sebenarnya konsumen butuhkan atau benar-benar akan membeli.
3. Melakukan perencanaan. Dengan perencanaan kita bisa menggambarkan apa yang kita rencanakan untuk dilakukan dan bagaimana kita melakukan perencanaan tadi.
Ada 7 komponen penting dalam perencanaan usaha:
1. Ringkasan Bisnis
2. Deskripsi Bisnis
3. Strategi pasar
4. Analisis Kompetitif
5. Desain dan rencana pengembangan
6. Operasi dan rencana pengelolaan
7. Faktor keuangan
4. Mencari pengguna produk yang kita jual. Dalam hal ini kita harus menentukan kriteria-kriteria tertentu dalam menentukan konsumen yang ingin kita dapat.
1. Antara usia 25 dan 35
2. Semua Umur
3. Berpenghasilan diatas 1juta apa 10 jt
3. Menikah atau lajang
4. Hidup dalam lima kilometer dari lokasi toko anda
5. Apakah anak usia sekolah, mahasiswa, pekerja
Selanjutnya selamat mencoba dan menjadi salah satu Entrepeneur Muda yang kaya raya
Mengetahui kapan kita merasa bahagia
Kapan, dimana, dan keadaan seperti apa sehingga kita merasa bahagia...????? Dengan bantuan Hedonimeter dalam aplikasi Mappiness kita dapat melihat semua kondisi tersebut
Michael Angelo Batio
Lahir tahun 1956 berasal dari chicago. Memainkan gitar dengan menggunakan kedua tangannya sekaligus, kanan dan kiri pada gitar yang memiliki bentuk V, berleher ganda left handed dan right handed dan berulang kali menyabet gelar shredder terbaik dan tercepat.
Gitaris yang mulai mengenal musik dengan memainkan piano pada umur 5 tahun. Pada saat usianya menginjak 14 tahun mulai menekuni gitar Jazz dan dua tahun kemudian menang dalam festival Gitar Jazz Solo di chicago.
Memperdalam ilmu musik di Northeastern Illinois University dan memperoleh gelar Bachelor of Arts dalam teori musik dan komposisi. Gitaris yang sempat memperkuat band heavy metal " Holland " pada tahun 1984 dan mulai bersolo karir pada tahun 1993 dan membuat label sendiri yang diberi nama M.A.C.E Music. Album solo pertama dirlis tahun 1996 dengan judul album No Boundaries dengan menggunakan label M.A.C.E Music.
Memperdalam ilmu musik di Northeastern Illinois University dan memperoleh gelar Bachelor of Arts dalam teori musik dan komposisi. Gitaris yang sempat memperkuat band heavy metal " Holland " pada tahun 1984 dan mulai bersolo karir pada tahun 1993 dan membuat label sendiri yang diberi nama M.A.C.E Music. Album solo pertama dirlis tahun 1996 dengan judul album No Boundaries dengan menggunakan label M.A.C.E Music.
No Love - lyrics Eminem ft Lil Wayne
[Verse 1 - Lil Wayne]
Throw dirt on me and grow a wildflower
But it’s “f-ck the world”, get a child out her
Yeah, my life a b-tch, but you know nothing bout her
Been to hell and back, I can show you vouchers
I’m rolling Sweets, I’m smoking sour
Married to the game but she broke her vows
That’s why my bars are full of broken bottles
And my night stands are full of open Bibles
I think about more than I forget
But I don’t go around fire expecting not to sweat
And these n-ggas know I lay them down, make their bed
Bitches try to kick me while I’m down, I’ll break your leg
Money outweighing problems on the triple beam
I’m sticking to the script, you n-ggas skipping scenes
Be good or be good at it
Fucking right I’ve got my gun, semi-Cartermatic
Yeah, put a dick in their mouth, so I guess it’s “f-ck what they say”
I’m high as a bitch: up, up and away
Man, I come down in a couple of days
OK, you want me up in the cage, then I’ll come out in beast mode
I got this world stuck in the safe, combination is the G-code
It’s Weezy motherf-cker, blood gang and I’m in bleed mode
All about my dough but I don’t even check the peephole
So you can keep knocking but won’t knock me down
No love lost, no love found
[Hook - Eminem & Lil Wayne]
It’s a little too late to say that you’re sorry now
You kicked me when I was down
F-ck what you say, just (don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me no more)
That’s right bitch: and I don’t need you, don’t want to see you
Bitch you get (no love)
You show me nothing but hate
You ran me into the ground
But what comes around goes around
I don’t need you (don’t hurt me)
You (don’t hurt me no more)
That’s right, and I don’t need you, don’t want to see you
You get (no love)
Bitch you get (no love)
And I don’t need you
Get em
[Verse 2 - Eminem]
I’m alive again
More alive than I have been in my whole entire life
I can see these people’s ears perk up as I begin
To spaz with the pen, I’m a little bit sicker than most
Sh-t’s finna get thick again
They say the competition is stiff
But I get a hard dick from this sh-t, now stick it in
I ain’t never giving in again
caution to the wind, complete freedom
Look at these rappers, how I treat them
So why the f-ck would I join them when I beat them
They call me a freak because
I like to spit on these p-ssies fore I eat them
Man, get these whack cocksuckers off stage
Where the f-ck is Kanye when you need him?
Snatch the mic from ‘em, bitch I’mma let you finish in a minute
Yeah the rap is tight
But I’m tryna spit the greatest verse of all time
So you might want to go back to the lab tonight and um
Scribble out them rhymes you were going to spit
And start over from scratch and write new ones
But I’m afraid that it ain’t gonna make no difference
When I rip this stage and tear it in half tonight
It’s an adrenaline rush to feel the bass thump
In the place all the way to the parking lot, fellow
Set fire to the mic and ignite the crowd
You can see the sparks from hot metal
Cold-hearted from the day I Bogarted the game
I so started to rock fellow
When I’m not even in my harshest
You can still get roasted because Marsh is not mellow
Til I’m toppling from the top I’m not going to stop
lyrics courtesy of www.killerhiphop.com
I’m standing on my Monopoly board
That means I’m on top of my game and it don’t stop
Til my hip don’t hop anymore
When you so good that you can’t say it
’cause it ain’t even cool for you to sound cocky anymore
People just get sick cause you spit
These fools can’t drool or dribble a drop anymore
And you can never break my stride
You never slow the momentum at any moment I’m about to blow
You’ll never take my pride
Killing the flow, slow venom and the opponent
Is getting no mercy, mark my words
Ain’t letting up, relentless
I smell blood, I don’t give a f-ck: keep giving them hell
Where was you when I fell and needed help up?
You get no love
Throw dirt on me and grow a wildflower
But it’s “f-ck the world”, get a child out her
Yeah, my life a b-tch, but you know nothing bout her
Been to hell and back, I can show you vouchers
I’m rolling Sweets, I’m smoking sour
Married to the game but she broke her vows
That’s why my bars are full of broken bottles
And my night stands are full of open Bibles
I think about more than I forget
But I don’t go around fire expecting not to sweat
And these n-ggas know I lay them down, make their bed
Bitches try to kick me while I’m down, I’ll break your leg
Money outweighing problems on the triple beam
I’m sticking to the script, you n-ggas skipping scenes
Be good or be good at it
Fucking right I’ve got my gun, semi-Cartermatic
Yeah, put a dick in their mouth, so I guess it’s “f-ck what they say”
I’m high as a bitch: up, up and away
Man, I come down in a couple of days
OK, you want me up in the cage, then I’ll come out in beast mode
I got this world stuck in the safe, combination is the G-code
It’s Weezy motherf-cker, blood gang and I’m in bleed mode
All about my dough but I don’t even check the peephole
So you can keep knocking but won’t knock me down
No love lost, no love found
[Hook - Eminem & Lil Wayne]
It’s a little too late to say that you’re sorry now
You kicked me when I was down
F-ck what you say, just (don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me no more)
That’s right bitch: and I don’t need you, don’t want to see you
Bitch you get (no love)
You show me nothing but hate
You ran me into the ground
But what comes around goes around
I don’t need you (don’t hurt me)
You (don’t hurt me no more)
That’s right, and I don’t need you, don’t want to see you
You get (no love)
Bitch you get (no love)
And I don’t need you
Get em
[Verse 2 - Eminem]
I’m alive again
More alive than I have been in my whole entire life
I can see these people’s ears perk up as I begin
To spaz with the pen, I’m a little bit sicker than most
Sh-t’s finna get thick again
They say the competition is stiff
But I get a hard dick from this sh-t, now stick it in
I ain’t never giving in again
caution to the wind, complete freedom
Look at these rappers, how I treat them
So why the f-ck would I join them when I beat them
They call me a freak because
I like to spit on these p-ssies fore I eat them
Man, get these whack cocksuckers off stage
Where the f-ck is Kanye when you need him?
Snatch the mic from ‘em, bitch I’mma let you finish in a minute
Yeah the rap is tight
But I’m tryna spit the greatest verse of all time
So you might want to go back to the lab tonight and um
Scribble out them rhymes you were going to spit
And start over from scratch and write new ones
But I’m afraid that it ain’t gonna make no difference
When I rip this stage and tear it in half tonight
It’s an adrenaline rush to feel the bass thump
In the place all the way to the parking lot, fellow
Set fire to the mic and ignite the crowd
You can see the sparks from hot metal
Cold-hearted from the day I Bogarted the game
I so started to rock fellow
When I’m not even in my harshest
You can still get roasted because Marsh is not mellow
Til I’m toppling from the top I’m not going to stop
lyrics courtesy of www.killerhiphop.com
I’m standing on my Monopoly board
That means I’m on top of my game and it don’t stop
Til my hip don’t hop anymore
When you so good that you can’t say it
’cause it ain’t even cool for you to sound cocky anymore
People just get sick cause you spit
These fools can’t drool or dribble a drop anymore
And you can never break my stride
You never slow the momentum at any moment I’m about to blow
You’ll never take my pride
Killing the flow, slow venom and the opponent
Is getting no mercy, mark my words
Ain’t letting up, relentless
I smell blood, I don’t give a f-ck: keep giving them hell
Where was you when I fell and needed help up?
You get no love
Childhood memories and personality
Each of us would have childhood memories in our lives. all it will not be easily forgotten even perhaps our lifetime. all memories can create a personality that will affect all sorts of factors which we will live life to the adult. family and environmental conditions can also promote changes in personality
Many behaviors, actions, habits, which occur due to childhood memories, whether good or bad. as an example we take from people who have sexual deviations during childhood by an adult male. many cases show will affect the personality in adulthood. for men may prefer same sex. or women who experienced rape while still a minor, will cause great fear, especially to men, so tend to like each other.
But if you have something that is happy, the result may be different as well. pleasant childhood memories might be more useful lessons so that we can use in the next life. as an example of happiness obtained in the family who prefers love in daily life. because the religion itself teaches believers to love one another, although their own enemy
Many behaviors, actions, habits, which occur due to childhood memories, whether good or bad. as an example we take from people who have sexual deviations during childhood by an adult male. many cases show will affect the personality in adulthood. for men may prefer same sex. or women who experienced rape while still a minor, will cause great fear, especially to men, so tend to like each other.
But if you have something that is happy, the result may be different as well. pleasant childhood memories might be more useful lessons so that we can use in the next life. as an example of happiness obtained in the family who prefers love in daily life. because the religion itself teaches believers to love one another, although their own enemy
Obama dan Gunung Merapi untuk SEO
Kunjungan Presiden Amerika Serikat Barrack Obama ke Indonesia dan letusan gunung merapi bisa dijadikan sarana SEO. Hampir semua media menyiarkan kedua berita terheboh di bulan november 2010. Coba-coba menelusuri memakai kata kunci Barack Obama, Obama ke Indonesia, Obama visit indonesia, Obama in Indonesia di google hasilnya manakjubkan. Sekitar 50.000.000 hasil dengan kata kunci diatas. Pencarian berita tentang Presiden Amerika Serikat Barack Obama mungkin karena keingintahuan masyarakat Indonesia tentang sosok tokoh satu ini, apalagi rencananya Barack Obama akan memberikan kuliah kepada mahasiswa UI.
Sedangkan untuk kata kunciGunung Merapi, letusan merapi, bahaya awan panas merapi, eruption of merapi, victims of merapi mountain, meskipun menembus angka 1.000.000 paling tidak berita letusan gunung merapi yang sudah berlangsung hampir 2 minggu ini cukup untuk meningkatkan trafik. Maklum letusan gunung merapi tahun ini mungkin yang terbesar dan hampir meluluh lantahkan perumahan, ternak dan apapun yang ada disekitarnya oleh karena awan panas yang berhembus keluar dari gunung merapi. So...bagi kalian yang ingin bermain dengan SEO coba postingan dengan optimalisasi kata kunci tadi..Semoga berhasil.........
Sedangkan untuk kata kunci
Selecting an insurance company
Many insurance companies based in Indonesia with so many products they offer. each competing firm looking for customers who want to use their services.program of services offered vary. for example, there are moves in the field of education, health, investment or all three.
Before you take, you should know the past performance of the company. see in terms of benefits. how the claim process on investment returns, whether slow or smooth, how the services they provide if we had to be hospitalized, and many more.
I also heard many insurance companies that commit fraud against its own customers, for example in the claim process takes too long and not in accordance with which they promised
Based on the survey I did of the 10 respondents, most of them choose an insurance company that provides investment services and also has health insurance. because in today's health care is very expensive. then a new education for those who already have children, so that later we do not bother to think about the cost of education to college. For those of you who wish to obtain benefits and services from one insurance company should choose according to the amount of the premium we are able to pay and what services will we get from the insurance company
Before you take, you should know the past performance of the company. see in terms of benefits. how the claim process on investment returns, whether slow or smooth, how the services they provide if we had to be hospitalized, and many more.
I also heard many insurance companies that commit fraud against its own customers, for example in the claim process takes too long and not in accordance with which they promised
Based on the survey I did of the 10 respondents, most of them choose an insurance company that provides investment services and also has health insurance. because in today's health care is very expensive. then a new education for those who already have children, so that later we do not bother to think about the cost of education to college. For those of you who wish to obtain benefits and services from one insurance company should choose according to the amount of the premium we are able to pay and what services will we get from the insurance company
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