Big Baby

Please help me......
Should i look like this....

Don't laugh at me cause if you laugh you will get punishment from GOD


Tenggarong, up to Mahakam river from Samarinda, is the capital of Kutai regency and was once the seat of the Kutai sultanate.

The Sultan’s palace at the riverside is now a museum where the old royal paraphernalia are kept, as well as an excellent collection of antique Chinese ceramics. Dayak statues can be admired in the yard. 

Derawan and Sangalaki Islands

Derawan and Sangalaki Islands 3 hours by long boat from Tanjung Redep in the north Kalimantan, you can reach Derawan Island

There are many rare animals such as the green turtle, the scarlet turtle, star fruit turtle and sea cow. Derawan and Sangalaki islands hold an amazing marine environment, including fabulous coral formations, canary crabs, green turtles and pearls.

Get The Time On Your Nails ( Timex )

We have seen many different types of futuristic watches with strange shapes and design but none so unique as this. Now lets welcome the Nail watch, that can be worn on the thumb.

You may have never seen a watch that can be worn on the thumb but times are going to change thanks to Timex. Timex, in collaboration with Core77, held a global design competition called 2154: the future of time design. So what we are seeing here is the TX54 concept which was a runner up there.