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Comic Review: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus - Volume 4

The majority of this omnibus comprises one storyline broken into three part known as “Bad Blood.” This arc, written by Andi Watson who wrote the first 20 issues of the series, finds Buffy up against the vampire Selke, who Buffy thought she had killed in a mausoleum fire. Selke is damaged from the fire and seeks out a plastic surgeon to restore her looks.
Bibit Sambungan, Jadi Andalan (singkong)
BANDARJAYA--Pada awalnya, Ibrahim (45) dan istrinya, Rosmanila (30), menekuni usaha bibit sambungan ubi kayu hanya sebagai usaha sampingan untuk mencari tambahan pendapatan.
Tapi, kegiatan yang dilakukan dua tahun terakhir itu--yang dimulai setelah ditawari agen pengumpul--kini justru menjadi mata pencarian andalan warga Bandarjaya, Kecamatan Terbanggi Besar, Lampung Tengah tersebut.
Tapi, kegiatan yang dilakukan dua tahun terakhir itu--yang dimulai setelah ditawari agen pengumpul--kini justru menjadi mata pencarian andalan warga Bandarjaya, Kecamatan Terbanggi Besar, Lampung Tengah tersebut.
Top 10 E-Mail Marketing Mistakes
Email marketing can be very cost-effective and productive if handled correctly. The proper approach to email starts with an ethical, well-thought-out plan and typically requires a little more time and effort than most email marketers realize.
Common mistakes include:
1. You do not have a permission-based mailing list. Unless you have the recipient's permission, you may be sending spam, which is against the law. Too many business owners take shortcuts and buy e-mail lists or compile them in unethical manners, such as harvesting them from the Web. Spam also hurts the reputation of your business. The CAN-SPAM Act provides strict requirements about what you can and cannot do; for more information, go to the Federal Trade Commission Web site.
2. Your content is poor or nonexistent. The more ads your e-mails contain, the faster people will hit delete them. E-mail marketers frequently send nothing of value to the reader. Just as people accept advertising and promotion in a magazine because they want to read the content, the same principle holds true in e-mail. You need to provide them with something that they desire. Interesting and topical content, albeit brief, should hold their attention long enough for you to market yourself successfully.
3. Your emails are full of errors. The amount of errors found in e-mails is astonishing — words misspelled, poor grammar, links that do not work, and so on. These missteps, however slight, all signal a lack of professionalism. They can be easily avioded with some careful editing; don't let these avoidable mistakes happen.
4. You make readers jump through hoops. If you want someone to subscribe to an e-mail newsletter or sign up for updates about your product or service, do not make them fill out endless online forms, click through multiple pages, and provide unnecessary information. The more difficult you make it, the less likely they will be to subscribe. All you really need is their permission and their e-mail address.
5. Your "from" and "subject" lines are poorly chosen. Pay particular attention to the "from" and "subject" lines, because often people will determine that they do not know the e-mail sender and delete it immediately. Be clear: The "from" line should be the exact company or newsletter name with which they signed up. The subject line can be the name of the newsletter or a well-thought-out, brief headline that grabs their attention.
6. You do not test them first. Too often marketers learn the hard way — by lack of response — that their marketing strategy could have been better. E-mail newsletters are a perfect medium for testing different tacks. Before sending to your entire e-mail list, test out several subject lines, different content, and a few types of graphics and designs on a small number of people. You can tell how many e-mails were opened and which test group received the most responses.
7. You do not call to action. You can't get results without a clear call to action. Do you want the reader to go to your Web site? Print out a page and send or fax it in? Buy something? Whatever you want them to do, make it clear and simple.
8. You have not included landing pages. You need to pay attention to the key pages that people land on when they click on a link from your e-mail. All too often, it is mistakenly assumed that customers want to jump right to a shopping cart; in many cases, they are dumped on your homepage to find their way around. Take a lesson from Amazon — provide a landing page with more information for each product or service.
9. Your graphics are overkill.Too many graphics, slow downloads, graphics that overshadow your message, and attachments will turn off readers. Again, keep it concise and simple.
10. You don't give the people what they want. Too many newsletters focus on generic material or are all about your business. Give people something they can use — for example, provide information that makes them want to do business with you. Readers want to know what's in it for them.
Ekonomi Dunia Terancam Lonjakan Harga Pangan dan Minyak
Lonjakan harga minyak, pangan dan komoditas lain mengancam stabilitas pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia. Perlu adanya sebuah kebijakan untuk melindungi si miskin dari himpitan kenaikan harga-harga.
Demikian hasil pertemuan para Menteri Keuangan Asia dan Eropa atau Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) selama dua hari di Jeju, Korea Selatan, seperti dikutip dari AFP, Senin (16/6/2008).
Pertemuan itu didominasi oleh masalah kenaikan harga minyak dan dampaknya terhadap inflasi. Dalam pernyataan bersamanya, ASEM menyoroti lonjakan berbagai macam harga yang dinilai akan memberikan tantangan serius terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi negara-negara di berbagai belahan dunia serta memberi implikasi serius.
ASEM juga sepakat bagi perlunya kebijakan yang terkoordinasi untuk memberikan bantalan penahan bagi masyarakat miskin, termasuk menggenjot investasi pertanian dan energi serta menjaga keterbukaan pasar.
"Para menteri menyoroti perlunya analisis lebih lanjut untuk mencari faktor yang sesungguhnya dan alasan finansial dibalik lonjakan harga komoditas akhir-akhir ini, volatilitas, serta dampaknya pada perekonomian dunia," demikian pernyataan bersama dari ASEM.
Pernyataan yang serupa sebelumnya telah dikeluarkan dalam pertemuan negara-negara kaya yang tergabung dalam G8. Dalam pertemuan di Jepang akhir pekan lalu, G8 bahkan meminta bantuan IMF untuk turut menginvestigasi faktor dibalik lonjakan harga minyak dunia akhir-akhir ini.
Namun para para menteri yang mengikuti ASEM masih tetap positif terhadap outlook perekonomian jangka panjang, meski secara jangka pendek masih melihat kecenderungan terjadinya pelemahan.
Risiko pelemahan itu termasuk pelemahan ekonomi AS, krisis kredit di pasar finansial serta tekanan inflasi akibat tingginya harga energi dan pangan.
Nurul Qomariyah - detikFinance
Satpol PP Tak Toleransi - PKL Berani Tabrak Aturan
BALIKPAPAN–Kesemrawutan pedagang kaki lima (PKL) juga dianggap sebagai salah salah satu penyebab lepasnya Piala Adipura yang ke-XIV untuk Kota Balikpapan. Tak ingin mengulangi kegagalan itu, Satpol PP berjanji akan bertindak lebih tegas dalam menangani keberadaan para PKL tersebut.
Kepala Seksi Operasi (Kasi Ops) Satpol PP Balikpapan Masrani Subiani mengatakan, pihaknya terus mengevaluasi ketertiban Kota Beriman. Khususnya terkait kegagalan meraih simbol supremasi tertinggi bidang kebersihan tersebut.
“Patut kita akui, jumlah PKL yang berjualan di jalan umum belakangan ini kian marak. Para PKL juga seolah berani menabrak aturan-aturan yang ada. Hasilnya, kota kita tampak semakin tidak tertib,” ujar Masrani ketika ditemui, siang kemarin.
Langkah yang akan ditempuh Satpol PP, lanjutnya, yakni menggelar pembinaan dan pendekatan untuk memberikan pemahaman aturan bagi para PKL. Tujuannya, agar PKL secara sadar mau mematuhi Perda 31 Tahun 2000 tentang Ketertiban Umum.
“Penertiban hanyalah sebatas efek jera. Tapi hasilnya, pedagang justru main kucing-kucingan dengan petugas. Kami berharap pendekatan secara persuasif bisa menimbulkan kesadaran bagi para PKL,” ujar Masrani
Jika pendekatan sudah dilakukan, namun PKL tetap saja membandel, Masrani mengatakan Satpol PP tidak lagi akan memberikan toleransi. Yang tertangkap melanggar Perda maka langsung akan diangkut dan ditindak pidana ringan (tipiring).
Satpol PP, lanjut Masrani, tidak bermaksud menutup keran rezeki para PKL. Namun justru akan memberikan rasa nyaman bagi masyarakat dan PKL itu sendiri saat berjualan.
“Ikut aturan mau tertib itu enak. Tidak diuber-uber lagi. Intinya, jangan berjualan di tempat yang dilarang,” tegasnya.(lhl) (

“Patut kita akui, jumlah PKL yang berjualan di jalan umum belakangan ini kian marak. Para PKL juga seolah berani menabrak aturan-aturan yang ada. Hasilnya, kota kita tampak semakin tidak tertib,” ujar Masrani ketika ditemui, siang kemarin.
Langkah yang akan ditempuh Satpol PP, lanjutnya, yakni menggelar pembinaan dan pendekatan untuk memberikan pemahaman aturan bagi para PKL. Tujuannya, agar PKL secara sadar mau mematuhi Perda 31 Tahun 2000 tentang Ketertiban Umum.
“Penertiban hanyalah sebatas efek jera. Tapi hasilnya, pedagang justru main kucing-kucingan dengan petugas. Kami berharap pendekatan secara persuasif bisa menimbulkan kesadaran bagi para PKL,” ujar Masrani
Jika pendekatan sudah dilakukan, namun PKL tetap saja membandel, Masrani mengatakan Satpol PP tidak lagi akan memberikan toleransi. Yang tertangkap melanggar Perda maka langsung akan diangkut dan ditindak pidana ringan (tipiring).
Satpol PP, lanjut Masrani, tidak bermaksud menutup keran rezeki para PKL. Namun justru akan memberikan rasa nyaman bagi masyarakat dan PKL itu sendiri saat berjualan.
“Ikut aturan mau tertib itu enak. Tidak diuber-uber lagi. Intinya, jangan berjualan di tempat yang dilarang,” tegasnya.(lhl) (
Album Baru Slipknot - All Hope is Gone

Bagi penggemar Slipknot mungkin ini kabar yang paling ditunggu-tunggu. Setelah empat tahun menunggu akhirnya album keempat yang diberi judul "All Hope Is Gone" akhirnya dirilis pada 26 agustus 2008.
Semua proses penulisan lagu dan perekaman album dilakukan di kampung halaman mereka, Iowa. Proses perekaman dilakukan di Sound Farm Studio di Jamaica, Iowa dan diproduseri oleh Dave Fortman dan di mixing oleh Colin Richardson di United Kingdom.
Tidak seperti album sebelumnya, pada album ini seluruh anggota band (Slipknot) terlibat dalam proses penulisan lagu dan menulis hampir 30 lagu baru. Rumor yang beredar mengatakan bahwa mereka akan promosi album baru ini tanpa menggunakan topeng. Akan tetapi rumor ini langsung dibantah oleh seluruh anggota band.
Seperti kata Corey Taylor kepada majalah Billboard "We have made an album that will show the road behind, the road ahead, and where we are as men," he said. "I think it's the best thing I've ever made... It's controlled chaos that hits you right out of the gate."
Pepes Kepiting - Balikpapan
300 gram Kepiting jantan
50 gram Daun kemangi
70 gram Tomat
2 butir Telur asin mentah
1 butir Telur ayam
300 gram Kepiting jantan
50 gram Daun kemangi
70 gram Tomat
2 butir Telur asin mentah
1 butir Telur ayam
The Pretender - Foo Fighter
Keep you in the dark
You know they all pretend
Keep you in the dark
And so it all began
Send in your skeletons
Sing as their bones come marching in...again
They need you buried deep
The secrets that you keep are at the ready
Are you ready?
I'm finished making sense
Done pleading ignorance
That whole...defense
You know they all pretend
Keep you in the dark
And so it all began
Send in your skeletons
Sing as their bones come marching in...again
They need you buried deep
The secrets that you keep are at the ready
Are you ready?
I'm finished making sense
Done pleading ignorance
That whole...defense
Spinning infinity, boy
The wheel is spinning me
It's never-ending, never-ending
Same old story
What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say I will never surrender?
What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say that I'll never surrender?
In time our soul untold
I'm just another soul for sale... oh, well
The page is out of print
We are not permanent
We're temporary, temporary
Same old story
What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say that I'll never surrender?
What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say I will never surrender?
I'm the voice inside your head
You refuse to hear
I'm the face that you have to face
Mirrored in your stare
I'm what's left, I'm what's right
I'm the enemy
I'm the hand that will take you down
Bring you to your knees
So who are you?
Yeah, who are you?
Yeah, who are you?
Yeah, who are you?
Keep you in the dark
You know they all pretend
What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say that I'll never surrender?
What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say that I'll never surrender?
What if I say I'm not like the others?
(Keep you in the dark)
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
(You know they all... pretend)
You're the pretender
What if I say I will never surrender?
What if I say I'm not like the others?
(Keep you in the dark)
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
(You know they all... pretend)
You're the pretender
What if I say I will never surrender?
So who are you?
Yeah, who are you?
Yeah, who are you?
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