Kota tercinta ku saat ini mungkin sedang mengalami cobaan yang berat. Hujan deras yang mengguyur kota balikpapan telah mengakibatkan kerugian yang banyak, baik itu harta benda maupun nyawa
Ronaldinho completes $30 million transfer to AC Milan

"AC Milan and FC Barcelona have reached an agreement for the transfer of Ronaldinho," said a Milan statement released Tuesday on the club's official website.
Fat stomach raises pancreatic cancer risk - Obese women 70 percent more likely to develop deadly disease, study finds
LONDON - Obese women who carry most of their extra weight around the stomach are 70 percent more likely to develop pancreatic cancer, an international team of researchers reported.
The findings suggest are some of the first evidence that the link between obesity and pancreatic cancer is as strong in women as in men, Juhua Luo of Sweden's Karolinska Institute and colleagues reported in the British Journal of Cancer.
The findings suggest are some of the first evidence that the link between obesity and pancreatic cancer is as strong in women as in men, Juhua Luo of Sweden's Karolinska Institute and colleagues reported in the British Journal of Cancer.
"We found that the risk of developing pancreatic cancer was significantly raised in obese postmenopausal women who carry most of their excess weight around the stomach," she said in a statement.
"Obesity is a growing and largely preventable problem, so it's important that women are aware of this major increase in risk."
Pancreatic cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer death worldwide. It accounts for only about 2 percent of the cancers diagnosed each year but the first-year survival rate is less than 5 percent, according to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
Stronger link for obese men, too
Until now, smoking and chronic pancreatitis were the most well-established risk factors for the disease in men and women, with much of the evidence also pointing to a stronger obesity link for men.
As part of a large study known as the Women's Health Initiative, Luo and colleagues followed more than 138,000 menopausal women in the United States for more than seven years to investigate the links between obesity and pancreatic cancer.
They found that 251 women developed the disease, and of these, 78 had the highest waist-to-hip ratios. After factoring in other risk factors, this was 70 percent more than the 34 women with the lowest excess stomach weight who got pancreatic cancer.
‘Iron Man’ is a slick and shiny delight - Movie
If you’re one of those literalists who has a hard time dealing with exploding planets, radioactive spiders or mutant genetics in your superhero movies, “Iron Man” may be right up your alley. While the big-screen debut of the armor-plated Marvel Comics hero may feature technology that’s way ahead of reality, a very human heart beats within this souped-up action machine.
Playboy arms merchant Tony Stark (Robert Downey, Jr.) has to ask himself some tough questions about his lifestyle after he’s captured in Afghanistan just minutes after demonstrating a new missile system to Army brass. Forced by his captors to create a weapon for them, Tony instead builds a suit of armor that will allow him to deflect bullets, throw flames and fly himself to safety.
He’s greeted upon his return to the States by his loyal assistant “Pepper” Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) and military pal Jim Rhodes (Terrence Howard), but Tony’s announcement to the press that Stark Enterprises will no longer create weapons — he’d seen many of his armaments in the custody of his kidnappers — sends ripples through Wall Street and confounds longtime company man Obadiah Stane (Jeff Bridges).
Honoring a pledge he made to the man who helped him escape, Tony decides to stop being frivolous and to make his life about something, so he streamlines and improves his armor technology until he becomes the high-flying Iron Man. And just in time, too, as Tony discovers that Stane has been selling Stark weapons to both sides of the Afghani conflict, an act that merely scratches the surface of Stane’s malice.
While director Jon Favreau is best known for writing and starring in “Swingers” and directing “Elf,” he proves himself to be a great action director as well. The vertiginous flight sequences and “biff, bam, pow” fight scenes will thrill comic-book fans and popcorn-munchers alike, and Favreau also knows when to insert physical and/or verbal humor at just the right moments. (Those steeped in the character’s lore will find lots of inside jokes and references to enjoy as well, from the appearance of a certain government agency to musical references to the theme song of the 1966 “Iron Man” cartoon show.)
Downey is a marvel, perfectly balancing both the role’s glib humor and its soul-searching, and his steamily platonic banter with Paltrow makes you wish she had taken a stab at the Renee Zellweger role in “Leatherheads.” (Bridges’ Iago-esque Stane makes for a perfect antagonist, with the actor’s egg-shaped bald giving him a wonderfully villainous mien.)
Wes yang diperankan oleh James McAvoy, 25 tahun, pria paling payah yang pernah ada. Hingga ia bertemu dengan Fox yang diperankan oleh Angelina Jolie
Setelah ayahnya terbunuh, Fox yang ganas merekrut Wes dalam Fraternity, sebuah kelompok rahasia untuk melatih Wes membalaskan dendam kematian sang Ayah dengan mengasah kekuatannya. Wes mendapati bahwa kelompok ini bertahan karena: kematian adalah bagian dari takdir
Setelah ayahnya terbunuh, Fox yang ganas merekrut Wes dalam Fraternity, sebuah kelompok rahasia untuk melatih Wes membalaskan dendam kematian sang Ayah dengan mengasah kekuatannya. Wes mendapati bahwa kelompok ini bertahan karena: kematian adalah bagian dari takdir
Dengan pelatih-pelatih yang hebat – termasuk pemimpin Fraternity, Sloan (Morgan Freeman) – Wes menikmati kekuatan yang belum ia miliki sebelumnya. Namun lambat laun ia mengetahui bawah makin banyak pula bahaya yang ia hadapi. Sebagai jagoan baru, Wes mendapatkan ilmu yang tidak ia dapatkan dari orang lain: hanya dia yang dapat menentukan nasibnya.
Segitiga - Coklat
Hati meratap perih
Tersiksa sepi
Jangan kau pergi
Bila untuk bersama
Tiada jalannya
Tuk tetap setia
Lelah kujelang
Malamku gelap sepi
Bintang pun enggan
Trmani disini
Walau tiada kau akhiri
Segitiga diantara kita
Hanya tuk berdusta dan kulelah
Diantara segitiga ini
Kita lambat berjumpa
Kau telah berdua ku tak berdaya
Mungkin kau tak perduli
Aku disini terluka hati…
Lelah kujelang
Malamku gelap sepi
Lama kunanti, kau tetapkan hati…
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Tersiksa sepi
Jangan kau pergi
Bila untuk bersama
Tiada jalannya
Tuk tetap setia
Lelah kujelang
Malamku gelap sepi
Bintang pun enggan
Trmani disini
Walau tiada kau akhiri
Segitiga diantara kita
Hanya tuk berdusta dan kulelah
Diantara segitiga ini
Kita lambat berjumpa
Kau telah berdua ku tak berdaya
Mungkin kau tak perduli
Aku disini terluka hati…
Lelah kujelang
Malamku gelap sepi
Lama kunanti, kau tetapkan hati…
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Ada pahlawan, pahlawan super...dan ada Hancock....
Kekuatan besar menopang tanggung jawab besar – semua orang tahu pepatah itu –kecuali Hancock (Will Smith). Tempramen, sarkastik, kepahlawanan Hancock dapat menyelesaikan tugasnya dan telah menyelamatkan banyak nyawa, namun meninggalkan banyak kerusakan. Publik beruntung mempunyai pahlawan lokal namun sekaligus mengutuknya
Hancock tidak peduli dengan pendapat orang lain – hingga suatu hari ia menyelamatkan eksekutif humas Ray Embrey (Jason Bateman), dan sang pahlawan mulai menyadari bahwa dirinya tidak sehebat itu. Saat menghadapi tantangan terbesar – sekaligus membuktikan dugaan istri Ray, Mary (Charlie Theron) bahwa Hancock hanya penyebab kerusakan
Kekuatan besar menopang tanggung jawab besar – semua orang tahu pepatah itu –kecuali Hancock (Will Smith). Tempramen, sarkastik, kepahlawanan Hancock dapat menyelesaikan tugasnya dan telah menyelamatkan banyak nyawa, namun meninggalkan banyak kerusakan. Publik beruntung mempunyai pahlawan lokal namun sekaligus mengutuknya
Hancock tidak peduli dengan pendapat orang lain – hingga suatu hari ia menyelamatkan eksekutif humas Ray Embrey (Jason Bateman), dan sang pahlawan mulai menyadari bahwa dirinya tidak sehebat itu. Saat menghadapi tantangan terbesar – sekaligus membuktikan dugaan istri Ray, Mary (Charlie Theron) bahwa Hancock hanya penyebab kerusakan
Seekor tikus bernama Remy mempunyai impian menjadi seorang juru masak Perancis yang luar biasa meskipun keinginan tersebut adalah hal yang mustahil dari sebuah keluarga binatang pengerat. Saat nasib membawa Remy tinggal di salah satu saluran air di Paris, ternyata ia berada di bawah sebuah restoran dengan juru masak terkenal, Auguste Gesteau
Meskipun dia adalah masalah yang tak nampak – dan tentu tak diinginkan, hasrat Remy untuk memasak perlahan mulai terwujud melalui gerakan lucu dan menggairahkan yang dapat memutar membalikkan dunia kulinari di Paris
Banjir ditambah Angin Puting Beliung Melanda Balikpapan
Hujan yang dimulai pukul 6 pagi hingga 10 pagi telah membuat Kota Balikpapan lumpuh total. Dan untuk pertama kalinya banjir melanda hampir setiap jalan utama di kota Balikpapan. Di Jalan MT Haryono mulai dari jembatan PDAM sampai perempatan Balikpapan Baru genangan air rata-rata mencapai lutut kaki orang dewasa. Dan sampai jam 10 pagi tadi tinggi air diperkirakan masih setinggi leher orang dewasa. Tim SAR langsung diturunkan untuk menyelamatkan masyarakat yang bermukim disekitar lokasi kejadian.
The Dark Knight-Movies

Christian Bale returns to the role of Batman, Maggie Gyllenhaal takes over the role of Rachel Dawes (played by Katie Holmes in Batman Begins), and Brokeback Mountain star Heath Ledger dons the ghoulishly gleeful Joker makeup previously worn by Jack Nicholson and Cesar Romero.
Just as it begins to appear as if Batman, Lt. James Gordon (Gary Oldman), and District Attorney Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart) are making headway in their tireless battle against the criminal element, a maniacal, wisecracking fiend plunges the streets of Gotham City into complete chaos.
Incredible Hulk-Movies

But traveling the world in secrecy isn't easy, and as hard as he tries Bruce can't get Betty Ross (Liv Tyler) off his mind. The daughter of Bruce's nemesis Gen. Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross (William Hurt), Betty represents everything that is beautiful in the world to a man who lives his life on the run. Eventually, Bruce returns to civilization and faces the wrath of The Abomination. While the Hulk may be a formidable force of nature, The Abomination is decidedly more powerful, and determined to destroy Bruce Banner.
Created when KGB agent Emil Blonsky (Tim Roth) exposed himself to a higher dose of the same radiation that transformed Bruce into The Hulk, The Abomination is unable to change back into human form and holds Bruce accountable for his frightful condition. With time fast running out for both Bruce and The Hulk, New York City is about to become the ultimate urban battle zone as two of the most powerful creatures ever to walk the earth clash in a massive, no-holds-barred fight to the finish. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide
Harry Potter is now quite familiar with the wizarding world, the community and government of magic folks that exists right alongside the “Muggle,” or non-magic, one. After the school year lets out at Hogwarts, Harry spends another miserable summer with the Dursleys. It’s Harry’s birthday, and nobody has remembered it. Not even Ron or Hermione have written him all summer or sent him a card. Things are only going to get worse.
Harry’s shrieky Aunt Petunia sends him outside to pull weeds, mow the grass and other chores in anticipation of a dinner party with Mr. Mason, a potential client of Uncle Vernon’s drill company, and Mr. Mason’s wife. While he is out there, he sits and thinks about the awful day he is having, with no one remembering his birthday. He swears he sees big green eyes peering out at him from the bushes, but he’s not entirely sure.
Harry’s shrieky Aunt Petunia sends him outside to pull weeds, mow the grass and other chores in anticipation of a dinner party with Mr. Mason, a potential client of Uncle Vernon’s drill company, and Mr. Mason’s wife. While he is out there, he sits and thinks about the awful day he is having, with no one remembering his birthday. He swears he sees big green eyes peering out at him from the bushes, but he’s not entirely sure.
When dinner arrives, Harry is confined to his bedroom. A strange creature with big eyes like car headlights, a squeaky voice and strange fractured dialect appears. He is dressed in only a pillowcase. He says his name is Dobby and he is a house elf. (He serves the Malfoy family.) He was the owner of the green eyes looking at Harry from the Dursley bushes.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling

Harry has already lost his parents, Sirius, and Dumbledore, and the role life has thrust upon him endangers not just himself, but those closest to him. Harry must not just battle with Voldemort's followers who have infiltrated Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic, but also the same inner temptations that claimed Voldemort's soul.
Harry must choose to search for the Horcruxes which can be used to defeat Voldemort, or to pursue the magical Hallows which would make him the master of Death. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has received glowing reviews with the New York Times saying, "The world of Harry Potter is a place where the mundane and the marvelous, the ordinary and the surreal coexist. It’s a place where cars can fly and owls can deliver the mail, a place where paintings talk and a mirror reflects people’s innermost desires. It’s also a place utterly recognizable to readers, a place where death and the catastrophes of daily life are inevitable, and people’s lives are defined by love and loss and hope — the same way they are in our own mortal world."
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aku melihat sang bulan
kan datang padaku
dan menemani aku
melewati dinginnya mimpi
melewati dinginnya mimpi…aa…a…a.
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bersama dirimu
peluk aku…dan ciumlah aku
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aku mendengar nyanyian
1000 dewa dewi cinta
menggema dunia
bila aku jatuh cinta
aku melihat matahari
kan datang padaku
dan memelukku dengan sayang
bila aku jatuh cinta
aku melihat sang bulan
kan datang padaku
dan menemani aku
melewati dinginnya mimpi
melewati dinginnya mimpi…aa…a…a.
bila aku jatuh cinta… jatuh cinta
bersama dirimu
peluk aku…dan ciumlah aku
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SBY Disiapi Helikopter Pilih Jalan Darat dan Air
TENGGARONG, TRIBUN - Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) di Desa Embalut, Kutai Kartanegara, milik PT Cahaya Fajar Kaltim terasa istimewa bagi Presiden RI, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), peresmiannya dilakukan secara khusus tidak dicampur bersama peresmian proyek-proyek yang dilaksanakan di Senipah, kompleks PT Total E&P Indonesie, Jumat (4/7) lalu.
Setelah Hujan-Badai, Balikpapan Masih Dibayangi Hujan
BALIKPAPAN - Hujan lebat dan disertai angin yang terjadi di wilayah Balikpapan, Sabtu malam (5/7) pukul 24.15 wita, disebabkan menumpuknya awan cummulunimbus (Cb) disertai angin gusty di Selat Makassar. "Kondisi awan Cb yang mature atau matang inilah sehingga menimbulkan hujan lebat dan badai. Apalagi saat itu awan Cb-nya tepat berada di atas Kota Balikpapan," kata Haris, Prakirawan Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika (BMG) Bandara Sepinggan saat ditemui Tribun, Sabtu (5/7).
Hamparan langit maha sempurna,
Bertahta bintang - bintang angkasa
Namun satu bintang yang berpijar,
Teruntai turun menyapa ku
Bertahta bintang - bintang angkasa
Namun satu bintang yang berpijar,
Teruntai turun menyapa ku
Reff 1 :
Ada tutur kata terucap,
Ada damai yang kurasakan
Bila sinarnya sentuh wajahku,
Kepedihanku pun... terhapuskan
Alam rayapun semua tersenyum,
Merunduk dan memuja hadirnya
Terpukau aku menatap wajahnya,
Aku merasa mengenal dia...
Reff 2 :
Tapi ada entah dimana,
Hanya hatiku mampu menjawabnya
Mahadewi resapkan nilainya,
Pencarianku pun... usai sudah
Back to Reff :
Mahadewi resapkan nilainya,
Mahadewi tercipta untukku
Mahadewi resapkan nilainya,
Mahadewi tercipta untukku
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Watermelon May Have Viagra-effect

ScienceDaily (July 1, 2008) — A cold slice of watermelon has long been a Fourth of July holiday staple. But according to recent studies, the juicy fruit may be better suited for Valentine’s Day. That’s because scientists say watermelon has ingredients that deliver Viagra-like effects to the body’s blood vessels and may even increase libido.
Semangka Viagra Alami

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kamulah makhluk Tuhan paling sexy
yang paling sexy, sexy sekali
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