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Tapi ijinkan Saya membeberkan cara yang revolusioner ala Preman Internet. Memang cara yang akan diajarkan tidaklah mudah, tapi akan membuat Anda mendapatkan income tersebut secara konsisten.
Yang perlu Anda perhatikan dalam Bisnis Internet Anda adalah, sudahkah Anda memiliki jumlah subscribers list yang mengunjungi website Anda.
Jika Sudah, sudahkah Anda secara konsisten memberikan tips atau sekadar say hi kepada mereka. bangunlah hubungan baik dengan list Anda. Karena dari sinilah Saya menghasilkan $1.185,33.
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Demikian dari Saya, Jika Anda ingin mendapatkan informasi lebih banyak lagi, Anda bisa mendapatkannya secara Gratis sebuah eBook Preman Internet karya teman Saya Peter Kohar sebuah panduan untuk memajukan bisnis internet Anda,
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Bush diserang "SHOES"
Hampir semua headline di surat kabar memuat berita tentang pelemparan sepatu yang di lakukan oleh wartawan Muntazar al Zaidi. Bahkan berita yang ditulis di salah satu koran yang beredar di balikpapan mengenai naiknya pamor "SHOES"-nya....
SHOES atau sepatu yang dilempar kearah Presiden George W Bush itu di tawar senilai Rp 116 miliar atau 10 juta dollar AS. Gila.............. Penawar sepatu itu datang dari seorang pria Arab Saudi. Dan mungkin menjadi sepatu paing mahal yang pernah dijual hehehehehehe....
Bukan hanya dari orang Saudi itu saja penawaran datang, sebelumnya mantan pelatih kesebelasan nasional Irak Adnan Hamad juga berani membeli dengan harga 100ribu dollar AS untuk mendapatkan sepasang sepatu tersebut.
Mungkin yang dilakukan Zaidi merupakan perwujudan dari emosi yang telah lama dipendam akibat penderitaan yang telah dialami Irak dan negara Arab yang lain.
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Mungkin dapat berguna dan dipakai buat menjalankan bisnis anda
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We guarantee that you will be credited with a sum equal to the amount of money earned through commissions by each new member introduced by you (subject to the conditions set out below).
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* For these purposes, a "New Member" is defined as an Internet user without a prior account with who establishes a new account with using the unique flyer code featured on your flyer. The unique flyer code allows us to track the commissions earned by your New Members and award you accordingly.
* The maximum amount of money you can earn per New Member is limited to $100.
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* reserves the right to terminate this promotion at any time of its choosing – such termination will not effect your rights hereunder.
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Big Baby
Tenggarong, up to Mahakam river from Samarinda, is the capital of Kutai regency and was once the seat of the Kutai sultanate.
The Sultan’s palace at the riverside is now a museum where the old royal paraphernalia are kept, as well as an excellent collection of antique Chinese ceramics. Dayak statues can be admired in the yard.
The Sultan’s palace at the riverside is now a museum where the old royal paraphernalia are kept, as well as an excellent collection of antique Chinese ceramics. Dayak statues can be admired in the yard.
Derawan and Sangalaki Islands
Derawan |
There are many rare animals such as the green turtle, the scarlet turtle, star fruit turtle and sea cow. Derawan and Sangalaki islands hold an amazing marine environment, including fabulous coral formations, canary crabs, green turtles and pearls.
Get The Time On Your Nails ( Timex )
We have seen many different types of futuristic watches with strange shapes and design but none so unique as this. Now lets welcome the Nail watch, that can be worn on the thumb.
You may have never seen a watch that can be worn on the thumb but times are going to change thanks to Timex. Timex, in collaboration with Core77, held a global design competition called 2154: the future of time design. So what we are seeing here is the TX54 concept which was a runner up there.
John Frusciante's Guitar Gear Rig and Equipment
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Comic Review: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus - Volume 4

The majority of this omnibus comprises one storyline broken into three part known as “Bad Blood.” This arc, written by Andi Watson who wrote the first 20 issues of the series, finds Buffy up against the vampire Selke, who Buffy thought she had killed in a mausoleum fire. Selke is damaged from the fire and seeks out a plastic surgeon to restore her looks.
Bibit Sambungan, Jadi Andalan (singkong)
BANDARJAYA--Pada awalnya, Ibrahim (45) dan istrinya, Rosmanila (30), menekuni usaha bibit sambungan ubi kayu hanya sebagai usaha sampingan untuk mencari tambahan pendapatan.
Tapi, kegiatan yang dilakukan dua tahun terakhir itu--yang dimulai setelah ditawari agen pengumpul--kini justru menjadi mata pencarian andalan warga Bandarjaya, Kecamatan Terbanggi Besar, Lampung Tengah tersebut.
Tapi, kegiatan yang dilakukan dua tahun terakhir itu--yang dimulai setelah ditawari agen pengumpul--kini justru menjadi mata pencarian andalan warga Bandarjaya, Kecamatan Terbanggi Besar, Lampung Tengah tersebut.
Top 10 E-Mail Marketing Mistakes
Email marketing can be very cost-effective and productive if handled correctly. The proper approach to email starts with an ethical, well-thought-out plan and typically requires a little more time and effort than most email marketers realize.
Common mistakes include:
1. You do not have a permission-based mailing list. Unless you have the recipient's permission, you may be sending spam, which is against the law. Too many business owners take shortcuts and buy e-mail lists or compile them in unethical manners, such as harvesting them from the Web. Spam also hurts the reputation of your business. The CAN-SPAM Act provides strict requirements about what you can and cannot do; for more information, go to the Federal Trade Commission Web site.
2. Your content is poor or nonexistent. The more ads your e-mails contain, the faster people will hit delete them. E-mail marketers frequently send nothing of value to the reader. Just as people accept advertising and promotion in a magazine because they want to read the content, the same principle holds true in e-mail. You need to provide them with something that they desire. Interesting and topical content, albeit brief, should hold their attention long enough for you to market yourself successfully.
3. Your emails are full of errors. The amount of errors found in e-mails is astonishing — words misspelled, poor grammar, links that do not work, and so on. These missteps, however slight, all signal a lack of professionalism. They can be easily avioded with some careful editing; don't let these avoidable mistakes happen.
4. You make readers jump through hoops. If you want someone to subscribe to an e-mail newsletter or sign up for updates about your product or service, do not make them fill out endless online forms, click through multiple pages, and provide unnecessary information. The more difficult you make it, the less likely they will be to subscribe. All you really need is their permission and their e-mail address.
5. Your "from" and "subject" lines are poorly chosen. Pay particular attention to the "from" and "subject" lines, because often people will determine that they do not know the e-mail sender and delete it immediately. Be clear: The "from" line should be the exact company or newsletter name with which they signed up. The subject line can be the name of the newsletter or a well-thought-out, brief headline that grabs their attention.
6. You do not test them first. Too often marketers learn the hard way — by lack of response — that their marketing strategy could have been better. E-mail newsletters are a perfect medium for testing different tacks. Before sending to your entire e-mail list, test out several subject lines, different content, and a few types of graphics and designs on a small number of people. You can tell how many e-mails were opened and which test group received the most responses.
7. You do not call to action. You can't get results without a clear call to action. Do you want the reader to go to your Web site? Print out a page and send or fax it in? Buy something? Whatever you want them to do, make it clear and simple.
8. You have not included landing pages. You need to pay attention to the key pages that people land on when they click on a link from your e-mail. All too often, it is mistakenly assumed that customers want to jump right to a shopping cart; in many cases, they are dumped on your homepage to find their way around. Take a lesson from Amazon — provide a landing page with more information for each product or service.
9. Your graphics are overkill.Too many graphics, slow downloads, graphics that overshadow your message, and attachments will turn off readers. Again, keep it concise and simple.
10. You don't give the people what they want. Too many newsletters focus on generic material or are all about your business. Give people something they can use — for example, provide information that makes them want to do business with you. Readers want to know what's in it for them.
Ekonomi Dunia Terancam Lonjakan Harga Pangan dan Minyak
Lonjakan harga minyak, pangan dan komoditas lain mengancam stabilitas pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia. Perlu adanya sebuah kebijakan untuk melindungi si miskin dari himpitan kenaikan harga-harga.
Demikian hasil pertemuan para Menteri Keuangan Asia dan Eropa atau Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) selama dua hari di Jeju, Korea Selatan, seperti dikutip dari AFP, Senin (16/6/2008).
Pertemuan itu didominasi oleh masalah kenaikan harga minyak dan dampaknya terhadap inflasi. Dalam pernyataan bersamanya, ASEM menyoroti lonjakan berbagai macam harga yang dinilai akan memberikan tantangan serius terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi negara-negara di berbagai belahan dunia serta memberi implikasi serius.
ASEM juga sepakat bagi perlunya kebijakan yang terkoordinasi untuk memberikan bantalan penahan bagi masyarakat miskin, termasuk menggenjot investasi pertanian dan energi serta menjaga keterbukaan pasar.
"Para menteri menyoroti perlunya analisis lebih lanjut untuk mencari faktor yang sesungguhnya dan alasan finansial dibalik lonjakan harga komoditas akhir-akhir ini, volatilitas, serta dampaknya pada perekonomian dunia," demikian pernyataan bersama dari ASEM.
Pernyataan yang serupa sebelumnya telah dikeluarkan dalam pertemuan negara-negara kaya yang tergabung dalam G8. Dalam pertemuan di Jepang akhir pekan lalu, G8 bahkan meminta bantuan IMF untuk turut menginvestigasi faktor dibalik lonjakan harga minyak dunia akhir-akhir ini.
Namun para para menteri yang mengikuti ASEM masih tetap positif terhadap outlook perekonomian jangka panjang, meski secara jangka pendek masih melihat kecenderungan terjadinya pelemahan.
Risiko pelemahan itu termasuk pelemahan ekonomi AS, krisis kredit di pasar finansial serta tekanan inflasi akibat tingginya harga energi dan pangan.
Nurul Qomariyah - detikFinance
Satpol PP Tak Toleransi - PKL Berani Tabrak Aturan
BALIKPAPAN–Kesemrawutan pedagang kaki lima (PKL) juga dianggap sebagai salah salah satu penyebab lepasnya Piala Adipura yang ke-XIV untuk Kota Balikpapan. Tak ingin mengulangi kegagalan itu, Satpol PP berjanji akan bertindak lebih tegas dalam menangani keberadaan para PKL tersebut.
Kepala Seksi Operasi (Kasi Ops) Satpol PP Balikpapan Masrani Subiani mengatakan, pihaknya terus mengevaluasi ketertiban Kota Beriman. Khususnya terkait kegagalan meraih simbol supremasi tertinggi bidang kebersihan tersebut.
“Patut kita akui, jumlah PKL yang berjualan di jalan umum belakangan ini kian marak. Para PKL juga seolah berani menabrak aturan-aturan yang ada. Hasilnya, kota kita tampak semakin tidak tertib,” ujar Masrani ketika ditemui, siang kemarin.
Langkah yang akan ditempuh Satpol PP, lanjutnya, yakni menggelar pembinaan dan pendekatan untuk memberikan pemahaman aturan bagi para PKL. Tujuannya, agar PKL secara sadar mau mematuhi Perda 31 Tahun 2000 tentang Ketertiban Umum.
“Penertiban hanyalah sebatas efek jera. Tapi hasilnya, pedagang justru main kucing-kucingan dengan petugas. Kami berharap pendekatan secara persuasif bisa menimbulkan kesadaran bagi para PKL,” ujar Masrani
Jika pendekatan sudah dilakukan, namun PKL tetap saja membandel, Masrani mengatakan Satpol PP tidak lagi akan memberikan toleransi. Yang tertangkap melanggar Perda maka langsung akan diangkut dan ditindak pidana ringan (tipiring).
Satpol PP, lanjut Masrani, tidak bermaksud menutup keran rezeki para PKL. Namun justru akan memberikan rasa nyaman bagi masyarakat dan PKL itu sendiri saat berjualan.
“Ikut aturan mau tertib itu enak. Tidak diuber-uber lagi. Intinya, jangan berjualan di tempat yang dilarang,” tegasnya.(lhl) (

“Patut kita akui, jumlah PKL yang berjualan di jalan umum belakangan ini kian marak. Para PKL juga seolah berani menabrak aturan-aturan yang ada. Hasilnya, kota kita tampak semakin tidak tertib,” ujar Masrani ketika ditemui, siang kemarin.
Langkah yang akan ditempuh Satpol PP, lanjutnya, yakni menggelar pembinaan dan pendekatan untuk memberikan pemahaman aturan bagi para PKL. Tujuannya, agar PKL secara sadar mau mematuhi Perda 31 Tahun 2000 tentang Ketertiban Umum.
“Penertiban hanyalah sebatas efek jera. Tapi hasilnya, pedagang justru main kucing-kucingan dengan petugas. Kami berharap pendekatan secara persuasif bisa menimbulkan kesadaran bagi para PKL,” ujar Masrani
Jika pendekatan sudah dilakukan, namun PKL tetap saja membandel, Masrani mengatakan Satpol PP tidak lagi akan memberikan toleransi. Yang tertangkap melanggar Perda maka langsung akan diangkut dan ditindak pidana ringan (tipiring).
Satpol PP, lanjut Masrani, tidak bermaksud menutup keran rezeki para PKL. Namun justru akan memberikan rasa nyaman bagi masyarakat dan PKL itu sendiri saat berjualan.
“Ikut aturan mau tertib itu enak. Tidak diuber-uber lagi. Intinya, jangan berjualan di tempat yang dilarang,” tegasnya.(lhl) (
Album Baru Slipknot - All Hope is Gone

Bagi penggemar Slipknot mungkin ini kabar yang paling ditunggu-tunggu. Setelah empat tahun menunggu akhirnya album keempat yang diberi judul "All Hope Is Gone" akhirnya dirilis pada 26 agustus 2008.
Semua proses penulisan lagu dan perekaman album dilakukan di kampung halaman mereka, Iowa. Proses perekaman dilakukan di Sound Farm Studio di Jamaica, Iowa dan diproduseri oleh Dave Fortman dan di mixing oleh Colin Richardson di United Kingdom.
Tidak seperti album sebelumnya, pada album ini seluruh anggota band (Slipknot) terlibat dalam proses penulisan lagu dan menulis hampir 30 lagu baru. Rumor yang beredar mengatakan bahwa mereka akan promosi album baru ini tanpa menggunakan topeng. Akan tetapi rumor ini langsung dibantah oleh seluruh anggota band.
Seperti kata Corey Taylor kepada majalah Billboard "We have made an album that will show the road behind, the road ahead, and where we are as men," he said. "I think it's the best thing I've ever made... It's controlled chaos that hits you right out of the gate."
Pepes Kepiting - Balikpapan
300 gram Kepiting jantan
50 gram Daun kemangi
70 gram Tomat
2 butir Telur asin mentah
1 butir Telur ayam
300 gram Kepiting jantan
50 gram Daun kemangi
70 gram Tomat
2 butir Telur asin mentah
1 butir Telur ayam
The Pretender - Foo Fighter
Keep you in the dark
You know they all pretend
Keep you in the dark
And so it all began
Send in your skeletons
Sing as their bones come marching in...again
They need you buried deep
The secrets that you keep are at the ready
Are you ready?
I'm finished making sense
Done pleading ignorance
That whole...defense
You know they all pretend
Keep you in the dark
And so it all began
Send in your skeletons
Sing as their bones come marching in...again
They need you buried deep
The secrets that you keep are at the ready
Are you ready?
I'm finished making sense
Done pleading ignorance
That whole...defense
Spinning infinity, boy
The wheel is spinning me
It's never-ending, never-ending
Same old story
What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say I will never surrender?
What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say that I'll never surrender?
In time our soul untold
I'm just another soul for sale... oh, well
The page is out of print
We are not permanent
We're temporary, temporary
Same old story
What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say that I'll never surrender?
What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say I will never surrender?
I'm the voice inside your head
You refuse to hear
I'm the face that you have to face
Mirrored in your stare
I'm what's left, I'm what's right
I'm the enemy
I'm the hand that will take you down
Bring you to your knees
So who are you?
Yeah, who are you?
Yeah, who are you?
Yeah, who are you?
Keep you in the dark
You know they all pretend
What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say that I'll never surrender?
What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say that I'll never surrender?
What if I say I'm not like the others?
(Keep you in the dark)
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
(You know they all... pretend)
You're the pretender
What if I say I will never surrender?
What if I say I'm not like the others?
(Keep you in the dark)
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
(You know they all... pretend)
You're the pretender
What if I say I will never surrender?
So who are you?
Yeah, who are you?
Yeah, who are you?
Baliho Tumbang akibat puting beliung
Kota tercinta ku saat ini mungkin sedang mengalami cobaan yang berat. Hujan deras yang mengguyur kota balikpapan telah mengakibatkan kerugian yang banyak, baik itu harta benda maupun nyawa
Ronaldinho completes $30 million transfer to AC Milan

"AC Milan and FC Barcelona have reached an agreement for the transfer of Ronaldinho," said a Milan statement released Tuesday on the club's official website.
Fat stomach raises pancreatic cancer risk - Obese women 70 percent more likely to develop deadly disease, study finds
LONDON - Obese women who carry most of their extra weight around the stomach are 70 percent more likely to develop pancreatic cancer, an international team of researchers reported.
The findings suggest are some of the first evidence that the link between obesity and pancreatic cancer is as strong in women as in men, Juhua Luo of Sweden's Karolinska Institute and colleagues reported in the British Journal of Cancer.
The findings suggest are some of the first evidence that the link between obesity and pancreatic cancer is as strong in women as in men, Juhua Luo of Sweden's Karolinska Institute and colleagues reported in the British Journal of Cancer.
"We found that the risk of developing pancreatic cancer was significantly raised in obese postmenopausal women who carry most of their excess weight around the stomach," she said in a statement.
"Obesity is a growing and largely preventable problem, so it's important that women are aware of this major increase in risk."
Pancreatic cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer death worldwide. It accounts for only about 2 percent of the cancers diagnosed each year but the first-year survival rate is less than 5 percent, according to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
Stronger link for obese men, too
Until now, smoking and chronic pancreatitis were the most well-established risk factors for the disease in men and women, with much of the evidence also pointing to a stronger obesity link for men.
As part of a large study known as the Women's Health Initiative, Luo and colleagues followed more than 138,000 menopausal women in the United States for more than seven years to investigate the links between obesity and pancreatic cancer.
They found that 251 women developed the disease, and of these, 78 had the highest waist-to-hip ratios. After factoring in other risk factors, this was 70 percent more than the 34 women with the lowest excess stomach weight who got pancreatic cancer.
‘Iron Man’ is a slick and shiny delight - Movie
If you’re one of those literalists who has a hard time dealing with exploding planets, radioactive spiders or mutant genetics in your superhero movies, “Iron Man” may be right up your alley. While the big-screen debut of the armor-plated Marvel Comics hero may feature technology that’s way ahead of reality, a very human heart beats within this souped-up action machine.
Playboy arms merchant Tony Stark (Robert Downey, Jr.) has to ask himself some tough questions about his lifestyle after he’s captured in Afghanistan just minutes after demonstrating a new missile system to Army brass. Forced by his captors to create a weapon for them, Tony instead builds a suit of armor that will allow him to deflect bullets, throw flames and fly himself to safety.
He’s greeted upon his return to the States by his loyal assistant “Pepper” Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) and military pal Jim Rhodes (Terrence Howard), but Tony’s announcement to the press that Stark Enterprises will no longer create weapons — he’d seen many of his armaments in the custody of his kidnappers — sends ripples through Wall Street and confounds longtime company man Obadiah Stane (Jeff Bridges).
Honoring a pledge he made to the man who helped him escape, Tony decides to stop being frivolous and to make his life about something, so he streamlines and improves his armor technology until he becomes the high-flying Iron Man. And just in time, too, as Tony discovers that Stane has been selling Stark weapons to both sides of the Afghani conflict, an act that merely scratches the surface of Stane’s malice.
While director Jon Favreau is best known for writing and starring in “Swingers” and directing “Elf,” he proves himself to be a great action director as well. The vertiginous flight sequences and “biff, bam, pow” fight scenes will thrill comic-book fans and popcorn-munchers alike, and Favreau also knows when to insert physical and/or verbal humor at just the right moments. (Those steeped in the character’s lore will find lots of inside jokes and references to enjoy as well, from the appearance of a certain government agency to musical references to the theme song of the 1966 “Iron Man” cartoon show.)
Downey is a marvel, perfectly balancing both the role’s glib humor and its soul-searching, and his steamily platonic banter with Paltrow makes you wish she had taken a stab at the Renee Zellweger role in “Leatherheads.” (Bridges’ Iago-esque Stane makes for a perfect antagonist, with the actor’s egg-shaped bald giving him a wonderfully villainous mien.)
Wes yang diperankan oleh James McAvoy, 25 tahun, pria paling payah yang pernah ada. Hingga ia bertemu dengan Fox yang diperankan oleh Angelina Jolie
Setelah ayahnya terbunuh, Fox yang ganas merekrut Wes dalam Fraternity, sebuah kelompok rahasia untuk melatih Wes membalaskan dendam kematian sang Ayah dengan mengasah kekuatannya. Wes mendapati bahwa kelompok ini bertahan karena: kematian adalah bagian dari takdir
Setelah ayahnya terbunuh, Fox yang ganas merekrut Wes dalam Fraternity, sebuah kelompok rahasia untuk melatih Wes membalaskan dendam kematian sang Ayah dengan mengasah kekuatannya. Wes mendapati bahwa kelompok ini bertahan karena: kematian adalah bagian dari takdir
Dengan pelatih-pelatih yang hebat – termasuk pemimpin Fraternity, Sloan (Morgan Freeman) – Wes menikmati kekuatan yang belum ia miliki sebelumnya. Namun lambat laun ia mengetahui bawah makin banyak pula bahaya yang ia hadapi. Sebagai jagoan baru, Wes mendapatkan ilmu yang tidak ia dapatkan dari orang lain: hanya dia yang dapat menentukan nasibnya.
Segitiga - Coklat
Hati meratap perih
Tersiksa sepi
Jangan kau pergi
Bila untuk bersama
Tiada jalannya
Tuk tetap setia
Lelah kujelang
Malamku gelap sepi
Bintang pun enggan
Trmani disini
Walau tiada kau akhiri
Segitiga diantara kita
Hanya tuk berdusta dan kulelah
Diantara segitiga ini
Kita lambat berjumpa
Kau telah berdua ku tak berdaya
Mungkin kau tak perduli
Aku disini terluka hati…
Lelah kujelang
Malamku gelap sepi
Lama kunanti, kau tetapkan hati…
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Tersiksa sepi
Jangan kau pergi
Bila untuk bersama
Tiada jalannya
Tuk tetap setia
Lelah kujelang
Malamku gelap sepi
Bintang pun enggan
Trmani disini
Walau tiada kau akhiri
Segitiga diantara kita
Hanya tuk berdusta dan kulelah
Diantara segitiga ini
Kita lambat berjumpa
Kau telah berdua ku tak berdaya
Mungkin kau tak perduli
Aku disini terluka hati…
Lelah kujelang
Malamku gelap sepi
Lama kunanti, kau tetapkan hati…
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Ada pahlawan, pahlawan super...dan ada Hancock....
Kekuatan besar menopang tanggung jawab besar – semua orang tahu pepatah itu –kecuali Hancock (Will Smith). Tempramen, sarkastik, kepahlawanan Hancock dapat menyelesaikan tugasnya dan telah menyelamatkan banyak nyawa, namun meninggalkan banyak kerusakan. Publik beruntung mempunyai pahlawan lokal namun sekaligus mengutuknya
Hancock tidak peduli dengan pendapat orang lain – hingga suatu hari ia menyelamatkan eksekutif humas Ray Embrey (Jason Bateman), dan sang pahlawan mulai menyadari bahwa dirinya tidak sehebat itu. Saat menghadapi tantangan terbesar – sekaligus membuktikan dugaan istri Ray, Mary (Charlie Theron) bahwa Hancock hanya penyebab kerusakan
Kekuatan besar menopang tanggung jawab besar – semua orang tahu pepatah itu –kecuali Hancock (Will Smith). Tempramen, sarkastik, kepahlawanan Hancock dapat menyelesaikan tugasnya dan telah menyelamatkan banyak nyawa, namun meninggalkan banyak kerusakan. Publik beruntung mempunyai pahlawan lokal namun sekaligus mengutuknya
Hancock tidak peduli dengan pendapat orang lain – hingga suatu hari ia menyelamatkan eksekutif humas Ray Embrey (Jason Bateman), dan sang pahlawan mulai menyadari bahwa dirinya tidak sehebat itu. Saat menghadapi tantangan terbesar – sekaligus membuktikan dugaan istri Ray, Mary (Charlie Theron) bahwa Hancock hanya penyebab kerusakan
Seekor tikus bernama Remy mempunyai impian menjadi seorang juru masak Perancis yang luar biasa meskipun keinginan tersebut adalah hal yang mustahil dari sebuah keluarga binatang pengerat. Saat nasib membawa Remy tinggal di salah satu saluran air di Paris, ternyata ia berada di bawah sebuah restoran dengan juru masak terkenal, Auguste Gesteau
Meskipun dia adalah masalah yang tak nampak – dan tentu tak diinginkan, hasrat Remy untuk memasak perlahan mulai terwujud melalui gerakan lucu dan menggairahkan yang dapat memutar membalikkan dunia kulinari di Paris
Banjir ditambah Angin Puting Beliung Melanda Balikpapan
Hujan yang dimulai pukul 6 pagi hingga 10 pagi telah membuat Kota Balikpapan lumpuh total. Dan untuk pertama kalinya banjir melanda hampir setiap jalan utama di kota Balikpapan. Di Jalan MT Haryono mulai dari jembatan PDAM sampai perempatan Balikpapan Baru genangan air rata-rata mencapai lutut kaki orang dewasa. Dan sampai jam 10 pagi tadi tinggi air diperkirakan masih setinggi leher orang dewasa. Tim SAR langsung diturunkan untuk menyelamatkan masyarakat yang bermukim disekitar lokasi kejadian.
The Dark Knight-Movies

Christian Bale returns to the role of Batman, Maggie Gyllenhaal takes over the role of Rachel Dawes (played by Katie Holmes in Batman Begins), and Brokeback Mountain star Heath Ledger dons the ghoulishly gleeful Joker makeup previously worn by Jack Nicholson and Cesar Romero.
Just as it begins to appear as if Batman, Lt. James Gordon (Gary Oldman), and District Attorney Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart) are making headway in their tireless battle against the criminal element, a maniacal, wisecracking fiend plunges the streets of Gotham City into complete chaos.
Incredible Hulk-Movies

But traveling the world in secrecy isn't easy, and as hard as he tries Bruce can't get Betty Ross (Liv Tyler) off his mind. The daughter of Bruce's nemesis Gen. Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross (William Hurt), Betty represents everything that is beautiful in the world to a man who lives his life on the run. Eventually, Bruce returns to civilization and faces the wrath of The Abomination. While the Hulk may be a formidable force of nature, The Abomination is decidedly more powerful, and determined to destroy Bruce Banner.
Created when KGB agent Emil Blonsky (Tim Roth) exposed himself to a higher dose of the same radiation that transformed Bruce into The Hulk, The Abomination is unable to change back into human form and holds Bruce accountable for his frightful condition. With time fast running out for both Bruce and The Hulk, New York City is about to become the ultimate urban battle zone as two of the most powerful creatures ever to walk the earth clash in a massive, no-holds-barred fight to the finish. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide
Harry Potter is now quite familiar with the wizarding world, the community and government of magic folks that exists right alongside the “Muggle,” or non-magic, one. After the school year lets out at Hogwarts, Harry spends another miserable summer with the Dursleys. It’s Harry’s birthday, and nobody has remembered it. Not even Ron or Hermione have written him all summer or sent him a card. Things are only going to get worse.
Harry’s shrieky Aunt Petunia sends him outside to pull weeds, mow the grass and other chores in anticipation of a dinner party with Mr. Mason, a potential client of Uncle Vernon’s drill company, and Mr. Mason’s wife. While he is out there, he sits and thinks about the awful day he is having, with no one remembering his birthday. He swears he sees big green eyes peering out at him from the bushes, but he’s not entirely sure.
Harry’s shrieky Aunt Petunia sends him outside to pull weeds, mow the grass and other chores in anticipation of a dinner party with Mr. Mason, a potential client of Uncle Vernon’s drill company, and Mr. Mason’s wife. While he is out there, he sits and thinks about the awful day he is having, with no one remembering his birthday. He swears he sees big green eyes peering out at him from the bushes, but he’s not entirely sure.
When dinner arrives, Harry is confined to his bedroom. A strange creature with big eyes like car headlights, a squeaky voice and strange fractured dialect appears. He is dressed in only a pillowcase. He says his name is Dobby and he is a house elf. (He serves the Malfoy family.) He was the owner of the green eyes looking at Harry from the Dursley bushes.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling

Harry has already lost his parents, Sirius, and Dumbledore, and the role life has thrust upon him endangers not just himself, but those closest to him. Harry must not just battle with Voldemort's followers who have infiltrated Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic, but also the same inner temptations that claimed Voldemort's soul.
Harry must choose to search for the Horcruxes which can be used to defeat Voldemort, or to pursue the magical Hallows which would make him the master of Death. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has received glowing reviews with the New York Times saying, "The world of Harry Potter is a place where the mundane and the marvelous, the ordinary and the surreal coexist. It’s a place where cars can fly and owls can deliver the mail, a place where paintings talk and a mirror reflects people’s innermost desires. It’s also a place utterly recognizable to readers, a place where death and the catastrophes of daily life are inevitable, and people’s lives are defined by love and loss and hope — the same way they are in our own mortal world."
Bila Aku Jatuh Cinta-Nidji
Bila aku jatuh cinta
aku mendengar nyanyian
1000 dewa dewi cinta
menggema dunia
bila aku jatuh cinta
aku melihat matahari
kan datang padaku
dan memelukku dengan sayang
bila aku jatuh cinta
aku melihat sang bulan
kan datang padaku
dan menemani aku
melewati dinginnya mimpi
melewati dinginnya mimpi…aa…a…a.
bila aku jatuh cinta… jatuh cinta
bersama dirimu
peluk aku…dan ciumlah aku
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aku mendengar nyanyian
1000 dewa dewi cinta
menggema dunia
bila aku jatuh cinta
aku melihat matahari
kan datang padaku
dan memelukku dengan sayang
bila aku jatuh cinta
aku melihat sang bulan
kan datang padaku
dan menemani aku
melewati dinginnya mimpi
melewati dinginnya mimpi…aa…a…a.
bila aku jatuh cinta… jatuh cinta
bersama dirimu
peluk aku…dan ciumlah aku
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SBY Disiapi Helikopter Pilih Jalan Darat dan Air
TENGGARONG, TRIBUN - Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) di Desa Embalut, Kutai Kartanegara, milik PT Cahaya Fajar Kaltim terasa istimewa bagi Presiden RI, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), peresmiannya dilakukan secara khusus tidak dicampur bersama peresmian proyek-proyek yang dilaksanakan di Senipah, kompleks PT Total E&P Indonesie, Jumat (4/7) lalu.
Setelah Hujan-Badai, Balikpapan Masih Dibayangi Hujan
BALIKPAPAN - Hujan lebat dan disertai angin yang terjadi di wilayah Balikpapan, Sabtu malam (5/7) pukul 24.15 wita, disebabkan menumpuknya awan cummulunimbus (Cb) disertai angin gusty di Selat Makassar. "Kondisi awan Cb yang mature atau matang inilah sehingga menimbulkan hujan lebat dan badai. Apalagi saat itu awan Cb-nya tepat berada di atas Kota Balikpapan," kata Haris, Prakirawan Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika (BMG) Bandara Sepinggan saat ditemui Tribun, Sabtu (5/7).
Hamparan langit maha sempurna,
Bertahta bintang - bintang angkasa
Namun satu bintang yang berpijar,
Teruntai turun menyapa ku
Bertahta bintang - bintang angkasa
Namun satu bintang yang berpijar,
Teruntai turun menyapa ku
Reff 1 :
Ada tutur kata terucap,
Ada damai yang kurasakan
Bila sinarnya sentuh wajahku,
Kepedihanku pun... terhapuskan
Alam rayapun semua tersenyum,
Merunduk dan memuja hadirnya
Terpukau aku menatap wajahnya,
Aku merasa mengenal dia...
Reff 2 :
Tapi ada entah dimana,
Hanya hatiku mampu menjawabnya
Mahadewi resapkan nilainya,
Pencarianku pun... usai sudah
Back to Reff :
Mahadewi resapkan nilainya,
Mahadewi tercipta untukku
Mahadewi resapkan nilainya,
Mahadewi tercipta untukku
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Watermelon May Have Viagra-effect

ScienceDaily (July 1, 2008) — A cold slice of watermelon has long been a Fourth of July holiday staple. But according to recent studies, the juicy fruit may be better suited for Valentine’s Day. That’s because scientists say watermelon has ingredients that deliver Viagra-like effects to the body’s blood vessels and may even increase libido.
Semangka Viagra Alami

Mahluk Tuhan Yang Paling Seksi - Mulan Jameela
Otakmu sexy itu terbukti
dari caramu memikirkan aku
matamu sexy itu terbukti
dari caramu menatap aku
harus kah seperti ada
di dalam penjara cintamu
dari caramu memikirkan aku
matamu sexy itu terbukti
dari caramu menatap aku
harus kah seperti ada
di dalam penjara cintamu
bibirmu sexy itu terbukti
dari caramu cium pipiku
bibirmu sexy itu terbukti
dari caramu sebut namaku
harus kah seperti ada
di dalam penjara cintamu
kamulah makhluk tuhan
yang tercipta yang paling sexy
cuma kamu yang bisa
membuatku terus menjerit
hatimu sexy itu terbukti
dari caramu memeluk hatiku
jantungmu sexy itu terbukti
dari caramu cemburu padaku
kamulah makhluk Tuhan paling sexy
yang paling sexy, sexy sekali
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atau disini
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Salah satunya mungkin bisa menjadi pilihan tempat makan yang menjadi favorit anda, keluarga, teman, atau relasi
Rumah Makan AA :: Restaurants
Jl Adil Makmur 7 RT 019
Hotel di kota Balikpapan
Bagi yang sedang berkunjung ke kota Balikpapan dan membutuhkan tempat penginapan, berikut adalah daftar Hotel mulai dari Hotel Bintang 5 dan Hotel Melati. Dan beberapa diantaranya memiliki fasilitas booking online
Aston Hotel and Residence
Jl. Jend Sudirman No 7
Candi Jolotundo
Nama Jolotundo diambil dari nama pertapaan Jeluk (=sebutan) dan Tundo (=naik). Secara administratif Candi Jolotundo terletak di Dukuh Bale Kambang Seloliman, Kecamatan Trawas, Kabupaten Mojokerto, Propinsi Jawa Timur. Jolotundo yang berada dil lereng barat Gunung Penanggungan itu memiilki ketinggian kurang lebih 525 m dpl. Candi Jolotundo merupakan bangunan petirtaan (kolam) berdenah empat persegi panjang berukuran 18,1m dan 12m berbahan batu andesit menghadap ke barat. Disisi utara, timur, dan selatan terdapat dinding pembatas, sedangkan sisi barat terbuka.
Effectiveness of male latex condoms in protecting against pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections
Condoms are the only contraceptive method proven to reduce the risk of all sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV. They can be used as a dual-purpose method, both for prevention of pregnancy and protection against STIs.
Prevention of pregnancy
Estimated pregnancy rates during perfect use of condoms, that is for those who report using the method exactly as it should be used (correctly) and at every act of intercourse (consistently), is 3 percent at 12 months.
The most frequently cited condom effectiveness rate is for typical use, which includes perfect and imperfect use (i.e. not used at every act of intercourse, or used incorrectly). The pregnancy rate during typical use can be much higher (10-14%) than for perfect use, but this is due primarily to inconsistent and incorrect use, not to condom failure. Condom failure – the device breaking or slipping off completely during intercourse – is uncommon.
Disease prevention
Laboratory studies have found that viruses (including HIV) do not pass through intact latex condoms even when devices are stretched or stressed.
In Thailand, the promotion by the government of 100% condom use by commercial sex workers led to a dramatic increase in the use of condoms (from 14% in 1990 to 94% in 1994); an equally dramatic decline in the nation-wide numbers of bacterial STD cases (from 410,406 cases in 1997 to 27,362 cases in 1994); and reduced HIV prevalence in Thai soldiers.
The most convincing data on the effectiveness of condoms in preventing HIV infection has been generated by prospective studies undertaken on serodiscordant couples, when one partner is infected with HIV and the other is not. These studies show that, with consistent condom use, the HIV infection rate among uninfected partners was less than 1 percent per year. Also, in situations where one partner is definitely infected, inconsistent condom use can be as risky as not using condoms at all.
Allergy to latex condoms
Latex allergies are very rare among the general population. While 1-2 billion condoms are used per year in the USA, the FDA only received 44 reports of allergic reactions associated with condom use between October 1988 and end of 1991. The Centres for Disease Control, Atlanta, USA estimate that the population risk of an allergic reaction to latex is 0.08% and the nature of the reaction tends to be very mild. Concerns about latex allergies should not inhibit sexually active people who are at risk of exposure to pregnancy and STIs using condoms, since the risks associated with unprotected sexual contact are far greater than those from exposure to latex.
3 million now receiving life-saving HIV drugs
2 JUNE 2008 | GENEVA/PARIS -- The close of 2007 marks an important step in the history of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Nearly 3 million people are now receiving anti-retroviral therapy (ART) in low- and middle-income countries, according to a new report jointly launched today by WHO, UNAIDS and UNICEF.
The report, Towards universal access: scaling up priority HIV/AIDS interventions in the health sector, also points to other gains. These include improved access to interventions aimed at preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT), expanded testing and counseling, and greater country commitment to male circumcision in heavily affected regions of sub-Saharan Africa.
“This represents a remarkable achievement for public health,” said WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan. “This proves that, with commitment and determination, all obstacles can be overcome. People living in resource-constrained settings can indeed be brought back to economically and socially productive lives by these drugs.”
Millions now accessing treatment
According to the authors of the report, the close of 2007 saw nearly 1 million more people (950 000) receiving antiretroviral therapy—bringing the total number of recipients to almost 3 million. The latter figure was the target of the ‘3 by 5’ initiative that sought to have 3 million HIV-positive individuals living in low-and middle-income countries on treatment by 2005. Although that target was not achieved until two years later, it is widely credited with jump-starting the push towards ART scale-up.
According to the report, the rapid scale-up of ART can be attributed to a number of factors, including the:
* Increased availability of drugs, in large part because of price reductions;
* Improved ART delivery systems that are now better adapted to country contexts. The WHO public health approach to scale-up emphasizes simplified and standardized drug regimens, decentralized services and judicious use of personnel and laboratory infrastructure; and
* Increased demand for ART as the number of people who are tested and diagnosed with HIV climbs.
Greater access: greater need
The authors state that overall, some 31% of the estimated 9.7 million people in need of ART received it by the end of 2007. That means that an estimated 6.7 million in need are still unable to access life-saving medicines.
“This report highlights what can be achieved despite the many constraints that countries face and is a real step forward towards universal access to HIV prevention, treatment care and support,” said Dr Peter Piot, Executive Director of UNAIDS. “Building on this, countries and the international community must now also work together to strengthen both prevention and treatment efforts.”
Preventing HIV in children
At the end of 2007, nearly 500 000 women were able to access antiretrovirals to prevent transmission to their unborn children — up from 350 000 in 2006. During the same period, 200 000 children were receiving ART, compared to 127 000 at the end of 2006. The difficulty of diagnosing HIV in infants, however, remains a major impediment to progress.
“We are seeing encouraging progress in the prevention of HIV transmission from mother to newborn,” said UNICEF Executive Director Ann M. Veneman. “The report should motivate us to focus and redouble our efforts on behalf of children and families affected by HIV/AIDS.”
Tuberculosis, weak healthcare systems, hamper progress
Other obstacles to scaling up treatment include poor patient retention rates in many treatment programmes and the considerable numbers of individuals who remain unaware of their HIV status, or are diagnosed too late and die in the first six months of treatment.
Tuberculosis is a leading cause of death among HIV-infected people worldwide, and the number one cause of death among those living in Africa. To date, HIV and TB service deliveries are insufficiently integrated and too many people are losing their lives because they are unable to either prevent TB or access life-saving medications for both diseases.
The authors warn that future expansion of access to ART is likely to be slow owing to weak health systems in the worst-affected countries, in particular, the difficulty of training and retaining health-care workers. Health-care systems in regions hardest hit continue to erode because of ‘brain drain’—the migration of skilled health-care personnel to other occupations and to other countries—and to high mortality rates from HIV itself.
They also emphasize the ongoing need to improve the collection, analysis and publication of critical public health information. Countries, international partners and other sources supply the numbers featured in this report. Despite certain limitations, the data constitute the best and most up-to-date estimates of the different elements of the health sector response to HIV/AIDS.
For further information please contact:
In Geneva:
Patricia Leidl
Telephone: +41 22 791 5876
Mobile: +41 79 619 8525
Sophie Barton-Knott
Telephone: +41 22 791 1697
How Can I Best Use Signs in My Store?
The proper design and use of in-store signage will promote your products and direct customers to their location. They'll also reinforce your brand image. To begin with, make sure the size of the signs fit with your store.
Also, use concise wording, make sure they receive the proper lighting, and position them in a way that offers them high visibility without detracting from your products or displays.
If your budget allows for it, digital signage such as LCDs, plasma, and scrolling message boards are the wave of the future and allow you to send various messages and images that static boards can't. Some studies even indicate that customers better recall the movement, scrolling, or changing graphics of digital signs, especially if they're placed in high-traffic locations.
Demonstrations & Samplings: The Hands-On Sales Approach that Sells
Demonstrations will wow them — your customers, that is. Yes, demonstrations have been proven to be a cost-effective, consumer-friendly merchandising strategy that not only helps educate customers but also builds sales and customer loyalty
According to recent research, 28 percent of consumers report that a food product demonstration causes them to purchase that brand rather than their usual brand, while 19 percent of consumers will purchase a household product or cleaner after seeing it demonstrated sales.
Consumers Speak
Overwhelming evidence of positive attitudes about and subsequent purchase of products among consumers who received samples and participated in demonstrations is presented in a recent research report — Inside Look at Consumers' Reaction to Samples and Demonstrations — by the Product Sampling & Demonstration Council of the Promotion Marketing Association. Conducted in February 2002 through a partnership between the Product Sampling & Demonstration Council, BrandMarketing Magazine, and NFO WorldGroup, the findings were based on nearly 3,400 surveys completed by male and female heads of households aged 18 years and older.
Seventy-one percent of the respondents said they purchased a product after receiving a sample and 69 percent said that samples and demonstrations influence their product purchase decisions more than an advertisement for the product on TV or radio. Eighty-nine percent of consumers stated that they "feel better" about purchasing a product after using or trying a sample of it, and 85 percent indicated that a coupon received with a free sample makes it easier to buy the product.
Low-Cost, High-Impact Marketing Ideas for Retailers
Advertising and promotion should be a significant part of the budget for any small business, and it's especially important for one that's starting out. After all, people need to know you are in business before they will frequent your establishment.
Unfortunately, there are plenty of ways to blow marketing -- and marketing dollars. To find out what not to do, read Avoiding Dreadful Marketing Ideas. When ad dollars are tight, creativity makes the difference.
Use these tactics to create a lasting impression:
* Freebies. Everyone loves getting something for nothing. If you buy in bulk, small items, including pens, T-shirts, and tote bags can be had for a good price. Even balloons can draw in parents. A small gift that's tied into your products emphasizes the message. For example, accessories in clothing stores, headbands in sporting good stores, or mouse pads in computer stores are simple items that fit your customers' needs.
* Coupons. Offering two-for-one or 10 percent off can draw new business and keep regular customers coming back. Desktop publishing programs make coupons easier than ever to print. Design coupons that grab attention, are easy to read, and provide value to your customer. Distributing the coupons via the newspaper or other media lets you see how well other advertising is working.
* Give info away. Wisdom is something money can't buy, and it doesn't cost anything to give it away. Seminars, after hours-classes, and other means of teaching your target audience something new can be a great way to get them into your store. Selling cookware? Host a series of free ethnic cooking classes. Selling computers? Teach people how to use the latest software program or how to upgrade their systems. If you can't teach the class yourself, look for people who love to teach or are looking for experience.
* In-store events. Let a local theater group promote their show by performing some songs in your store. Have a special reading of the hottest new children's book or a signing by an author. Hold a grand opening party. Have a local celebrity stop in to meet fans and sign autographs.
* Contests. You don't have to give away a new car to draw people in for a contest. Focus on what your customers would love to win from your store -- and give them that opportunity. For example, a bakery might hold a pie-eating contest.
* Newsletters. A short newsletter, especially one delivered by e-mail, can be a cost-effective way to market your products. Find a convenient place for people to sign up in your store and online; you might even offer an incentive, such as a coupon, for signing up. Provide interesting and useful content that's worth reading. For example, if you sell men?s clothing, offer 10 tips on how to dress for a business interview. If you sell gourmet food, include a new recipe or talk about the trendiest new foods. Then surround your content with your ads and promotions.
* Word-of-mouth marketing. It's one of the hottest trends in business today and an inexpensive means of spreading the word about your goods. One of the best ways to get people talking is by having an innovative product seen. Sales of the Razor Scooter and iPod jumped when fashionable people sported them around town. If you have a unique product, find a way to showcase it. For example, you might have a couple of people walking around the mall in eye-catching swimwear from your store.
* Build name recognition. Go online and participate in discussion groups or make comments in blogs; include your store name and Web site address if you have one. At conferences and lectures, ask questions, identifying yourself as the proprietor of your store.
* Sponsorship. It doesn't cost much to sponsor a local theater production, a float in your town's parade or a Little League team. The signage or uniforms emblazoned with your store's name and logo will be seen crowds of people.
* Volunteering. Doing community or charitable work is a great way to get your name known, and it shows people that you care.
* Free press. Send news and information about your store to newspapers and other local media via press releases. Identify the person who edits the newspaper's calendar section, and make sure to send announcements about store events at least three weeks in advance. Press releases aren't limited to news. Think of ways to tie your business into local or national events or the seasons. For example, if you own a boat store, write up six tips for safe fun in the water and send that off in a release in April. Make friends with the local business reporters and offer to comment in their stories.

In North America, candy is a broad category that includes candy bars, chocolates, licorice, sour candies, salty candies, tart candies, sucking candies, taffy, gumdrops, marshmallows, chewing gum and more. Vegetables, fruit or nuts glazed and coated with sugar are called candied.
Outside North America, the generic name for candy is sweets or confectionery (UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and other Commonwealth countries). In Australia and New Zealand, candy is, in normal usage, further categorised as either chocolate or lollies (for all other non-chocolate candies).
In North America, the UK, and Australia, the word lollipop refers specifically to sugar candy on a stick. While not used in the generic sense of North America, the term candy is used in the UK for specific types of foods such as candy floss (cotton candy in North America and fairy floss in Australia), and certain other sugar based products.
Candy is made by dissolving sugar in water or milk to form a syrup, which is boiled until it reaches the desired concentration or starts to caramelize. The type of candy depends on the ingredients and how long the mixture is boiled. Candy comes in an endless variety of textures from soft and chewy to hard and brittle. Caramel, toffee, fudge, praline, tablet, gumdrops, jelly beans, rock candy, lollipops, taffy, cotton candy, candy canes, peppermint sticks, peanut brittle, chocolate coated raisins or peanuts, sucking candy (called boiled sweets in British English) and candy bars are just a few examples of the confections that are sold under the generic name "candy"
Want to know more about candy, you can click here or here or here
Visit Candy shop click here
An ink is a liquid containing various pigments and/or dyes used for coloring a surface to produce an image, text, or design. Ink is used for drawing and/or writing with a pen, brush or quill. Thicker inks, in paste form, are used extensively in letterpress and lithographic printing.
Ink is a complex medium, comprising solvents, pigments, dyes, resins, lubricants, solubilizers, surfactants, particulate matter, fluorescers, and other materials. The components of inks serve many purposes; the ink’s carrier, colorants, and other additives are used to control flow, thickness, and appearance of the ink when dry.
Approximately 5000 years ago, an ink for blacking the raised surfaces of pictures and texts carved in stone was developed in China. This early ink was a mixture of soot from pine smoke, lamp oil, and gelatin from animal skins and musk. Other early cultures also developed many colors of ink from available berries, plants and minerals.
The ink used in early India since at least the 4th century BC was called masi, which was an admixture of several chemical components. Indian documents written in Kharosthi with ink have been unearthed in Chinese Turkestan. The practice of writing with ink and a sharp pointed needle was common in early South India. Several Jain sutras in India were compiled in ink. In India, the carbon black from which India ink is produced is obtained by burning bones, tar, pitch, and other substances.
In ancient Rome, atramentum was used. In an article for the Christian Science Monitor, Sharon J. Huntington describes these other historical inks:
About 1,600 years ago, a popular ink recipe was created. The recipe was used for centuries. Iron "salts," such as ferrous sulfate (made by treating iron with sulfuric acid), was mixed with tannin from gallnuts (they grow on trees) and a thickener. When first put to paper, this ink is bluish-black. Over time it fades to a dull brown.
Scribes in medieval Europe (about AD 800 to 1500) wrote on sheepskin parchment. One 12th century ink recipe called for hawthorn branches to be cut in the spring and left to dry. Then the bark was pounded from the branches and soaked in water for eight days. The water was boiled until it thickened and turned black. Wine was added during boiling. The ink was poured into special bags and hung in the sun. Once dried, the mixture was mixed with wine and iron salt over a fire to make the final ink.
In the 15th century, a new type of ink had to be developed in Europe for the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg. Two types of ink were prevalent at the time: the Greek and Roman writing ink (soot, glue, and water) and the 12th century variety composed of ferrous sulfate, gall, gum, and water. Neither of these handwriting inks could adhere to printing surfaces without creating blurs. Eventually an oily, varnish-like ink made of soot, turpentine, and walnut oil was created specifically for the printing press.
A frontier is a political and geographical term referring to areas near or beyond a boundary, or of a different nature.
In the United States, the frontier was the term applied by scholars to the impact of the zone of unsettled land outside the region of existing settlements of Europeans. That is, as pioneers moved into the frontier zone they were changed significantly by the encounter. That is what Frederick Jackson Turner called "the significance of the frontier." For example, Turner argued in 1893, one change was that unlimited free land in the zone was available and thus offered the psychological sense of unlimited opportunity, which in turn had many consequences, such as optimism, future orientation, shedding of restraints due to land scarcity, and wastefulness of natural resources.
Throughout American history, the expansion of settlement was largely from the east to the west, and thus the frontier is often identified with "the west". On the Pacific Coast, settlement moved eastward. In New England, it moved north.
'Frontier' was borrowed into English from French in the 15th century with the meaning "borderland," the region of a country that fronts on another country (see also marches). The use of frontier to mean "a region at the edge of a settled area" is a special North American development. (Compare the Australian "outback".) In the Turnerian sense, "frontier" was a technical term that was explicated by hundreds of scholars.
Following the victory of the United States in the American Revolutionary War and the signing Treaty of Paris in 1783, the United States gained formal, if not actual, control of the British lands west of the Appalachians. Many thousands of settlers, typified by Daniel Boone, had already reached Kentucky and Tennessee and adjacent areas. Some areas, such as the Virginia Military District and the Connecticut Western Reserve (both in Ohio), were used by the states as rewards to veterans of the war. The issue of how to formally include these new frontier areas into the nation was an important issue in the Continental Congress of the 1780s and was partly resolved by the Northwest Ordinance (1787). The Southwest Territory saw a similar pattern of settlement pressure.
For the next century, the expansion of the nation into these areas, as well as the subsequently acquired Louisiana Purchase, Oregon Country, and Mexican Cession, attracted hundreds of thousands of settlers. The question of whether the Kansas frontier would become "slave" or "free" was a spark of the American Civil War. In general before 1860 Northern Democrats promoted easy land ownership and Whigs and Southern Democrats resisted. The Southerners resisted Homestead Acts because it supported the growth of a free farmer population that might oppose slavery.
When the Republican party came to power in 1860 they promoted a free land policy — notably the Homestead Act of 1862, coupled with railroad land grants that opened cheap (but not free) lands for settlers. In 1890, the frontier line had broken up (Census maps defined the frontier line as a line beyond which the population was under 2 persons per square mile).
The popular culture impact of the frontier was enormous, in dime novels, Wild West shows, and, after 1910, Western movies set on the frontier.
The American frontier was generally the most Western edge of settlement and typically more democratic and free-spirited in nature than the East because of its lack of social and political institutions. The idea that the frontier provided the core defining quality of the United States was elaborated by the great historian Frederick Jackson Turner, who built his Frontier Thesis in 1893 around this notion.
3 motivator Indonesia
Ini merupakan moment paling gresss yang pernah ada di Balikpapan selama ini. Bagaimana tidak.. 3 motivator paling sukses di Indonesia berada dalam satu panggung menyampaikan ide-ide yang brillian.
Acara yang diselenggarakan di Blue Sky Hotel pada hari minggu tanggal 1 juni 2008 dan mengambil tema " The New Spirit for The New Indonesia-Smart Motivation Congress 2008 " ramai akan undangan yang secara langsung ingin menyaksikan dan mendengar. Acara tersebut dipenuhi oleh mahasiswa sampai tingkat pekerja. Meskipun seminar tersebut hanya berlangsung 3 jam dimana masing-masing motivator mendapat jatah 1 jam akan tetapi ilmu yang didapat sudah cukup membuat para pengujung puas.
Tommy Siawira dijadikan pembicara pertama dalam seminar ini. Dia mengatakan bahwa setiap orang pasti ingin menjadi yang terbaik akan tetapi seseorang kerap dilanda rasa takut, malas, malu dan tidak percaya diri. Oleh karena itu setiap orang harus mempunyai desire ( kemauan yang keras untuk benar-benar sukses) untuk itu diperlukan energi untuk maju. Orang yang sukses adalah orang yang dapat berpikir.
Prie GS dijadikan sebagai pembicara kedua. Prie GS sangat berbeda dalam menyampaikan ide-idenya. Beliau lebih menekankan pada segi humoris sehingga para penonton sedikit terhibur sekaligus belajar. Dan pada kesempatan itu beliau mengambil contoh Valentino Rossi, Michael Schumacher sebagai bentuk personifikasi intelektual yang baik. Yang mana menurut dia mereka bekerja dengan perhitungan dan science dengan hasil yang luar biasa.
Andri Wongso sebagai motivator no 1 di Indonesia dijadikan pembicara terakhir dalam seminar ini. Beliau mengatakan bahwa menggapi sukses tidaklah mudah, perlu kerja keras. Karena itu kita harus siap menjadi buldozernya. Siapkan mental untuk menjadi buldozer. Sukses bukan milik orang-orang tertentu. Sukses milik anda, milik semua, milik siapa saja yang benar-benar menyadari, menginginkan dan memperjuangkan dengan sepenuh hati

Prostat adalah kelenjar seks pada pria yang berukuran kecil, terletak di bawah kandung kemih dan mengelilingi saluran kencing.
Kanker prostat adalah penyakit kanker yang menyerang kelenjar prostat, dimana sel-sel kelenjar prostat tumbuh secara abnormal tak terkendali sehingga mendesak dan merusak jaringan sekitarnya bahkan dapat mengakibatkan kematian.
Kanker prostat adalah penyakit kanker yang menyerang kelenjar prostat, dimana sel-sel kelenjar prostat tumbuh secara abnormal tak terkendali sehingga mendesak dan merusak jaringan sekitarnya bahkan dapat mengakibatkan kematian.
Apa Penyebab Kanker Prostat ?
Penyebab yang pasti belum diketahui, tetapi ada beberapa hal yang dapat meningkatkan risiko seseorang untuk terkena kanker prostat yaitu usia dan riwayat keluarga. Hormon, diet tinggi lemak dan toksin juga disebutkan sebagai faktor risiko kanker prostat walaupun kaitannya belum jelas.
Bagaimana Gejala Kanker Prostat ?
Pada stadium dini, tidak bergejala. Setelah kanker berkembang, muncul gejala tetapi tidak khas, menyerupai gejala BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) yaitu penyakit pembesaran prostat jinak yang sering dijumpai pada pria lanjut usia. Akibatnya, kedua penyakit ini sulit dibedakan sehingga diperlukan pemeriksaan yang dapat mendeteksi dini dan sekaligus membedakan antara kanker prostat dan BPH.
Gejala Kanker Prostat & BPH :
* Sering kencing
* Sulit kencing
* Nyeri saat berkemih
* Urine (air kencing) berdarah
* Nyeri saat ejakulasi
* Cairan ejakulasi berdarah
* Gangguan ereksi
* Nyeri pinggul atau punggung
* dan lain-lain
Pemeriksaan PSA (Prostate Spesific Antigen)
PSA adalah enzim yang dikeluarkan oleh kelenjar prostat yang berfungsi untuk mengencerkan cairan ejakulasi untuk memudahkan pergerakan sperma. Pada keadaan normal, hanya sedikit PSA yang masuk ke dalam aliran darah tetapi bila terjadi peradangan atau kerusakan jaringan prostat maka kadar PSA dalam darah meningkat. Jadi peningkatan kadar PSA bukan hanya disebabkan oleh kanker prostat tetapi dapat juga disebabkan oleh BPH.
Dalam darah, PSA ditemukan dalam keadaan bebas (free-PSA) dan sebagian besar diikat oleh protein (disebut c-PSA atau complexed-PSA). Dari hasil penelitian ternyata peningkatan free-PSA lebih dominan, sedangkan pada kanker prostat peningkatan c-PSA lebih dominan.
Untuk membedakan apakah peningkatan kadar PSA disebabkan oleh BPH atau kanker prostat maka dianjurkan pemeriksaan rasio free-PSA/PSA total atau rasio c-PSA/PSA total terutama bagi mereka yang kadar PSA totalnya antara 2.6-10 ng/ml.
Manfaat Pemeriksaan PSA (Prostate Spesific Antigen) :
* Untuk skrining (PSA total)
* Untuk Diagnosis (PSA total dan rasio free-PSA/PSA total atau
rasio c-PSA/PSA total)
* Untuk pemantauan penyakit dan pemantauan pengobatan serta pemantauan setelah pengangkatan prostat
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